Chapter 1. What is Inclusive Teaching?
How to Use the Toolkit
Our workgroup has identified three primary pillars of inclusive teaching that include basic principles of inclusive teaching but that are uniquely important in the CSU context but may be applied to other learning institutions.
These are:
- Faculty reflective practice and interrogation of one’s own positionality outside and inside the classroom environment
- Being deliberate about the learning environment created so that students have equity in opportunities to learn
- Encouraging students to be their authentic selves and creating a just and engaging learning space throughout the semester
Each pillar is described above, and resources for educators to engage in these pillars are provided at three tiers.
The first tier (Level 1, green) is for educators new to the concept and provides more introductory materials. The second tier (Level 2, blue) is for those who have completed tier 1 or who feel they have some grasp on the concept, and the third tier (Level 3, purple) is for educators who have completed the first two tiers or who have an advanced grasp on the concept.
The best way to use this toolkit is to read through the toolkit, and then begin to work through resources provided in the pillars one by one. Mastering the toolkit resources will likely take work, collaboration and reflective practice. Going through the resources in bite sized pieces over time will help establish sustainability and give you space to translate what you have learned into your daily practice.