#MeToo and The Silence Breakers of 2017 / Norman

Tarana Burke on #MeToo, 2017 and Into the Future

Tarana Burke Verbal Narrative


This podcast segment interviews Tarana Burke, the founder of the MeToo movement.

The interviewer is Guy Raz from NPR podcasts and Ted Radio Hour. The 12-minute clip is a segment from a 1-hour radio show titled “Gender, Power, and Fairness” on the podcast.

The audience is, primarily, listeners of the Ted Radio Hour podcast show, but Tarana Burke addresses any possible listener to emphasize the importance of opening a conversation about sexual violence. If you search Tarana Burke’s name or interviews revolving the movement, there is a chance on finding this one, even if you have never listened to Ted Radio Hour.

The interview can be found on the NPR website.

Audio Clip


I included an interview with Tarana Burke because she is the founder of the MeToo movement. The movement itself started 10 years prior to its explosion in 2017 with The Silence Breakers, as she states in the interview, so I thought it was an important piece in my research to show that the movement itself had a significant uptick in participation and cultural significance in late 2017. I chose this clip from the entire podcast segment because Tarana addresses the future of MeToo (at least from the time it was recorded in 2019) and emphasizes that the movement is not only to uplift the voices of victims, but to mobilize everyone in the fight against sexual violence. I find that using audio clips in my research such as listening to this one help legitimize the people behind real historical events and movements.


NPR.org, “Tarana Burke: How Can We Build A World Where People Don’t Have To Say “Me Too”?” 12:27, February 1, 2019, Tarana Burke: How Can We Build A World Where People Don’t Have To Say “Me Too”? : NPR.


Politics of Protest and Gender: Student Research - Fall 2024 Copyright © 2024 by Shelley Rose. All Rights Reserved.

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