Instructor Example: Chains of Production, Chains of Protest: Women’s Peace Camps 1981-2000 / Rose


Chains of Production, Chains of Protest: Women’s Peace Camps, 1981-2000 is a digital humanities project led by Dr. Shelley Rose.1

In 1979, the NATO Dual Track Missile Decision called for intermediate range missiles to be stationed in Western Europe. This decision sparked unprecedented protest events, including women’s peace encampments at the sites of production, testing, and deployment.2

I argue place-based activism at women’s peace camps during the Cold War provides a historical model for shared protest spaces & activist communities of practice. In the post-Cold War era, movements like the No-DAPL Movement and Occupy Wall Street movement drew on the use of imagined shared spaces, taking it further with the use of social media and the internet to express place-based solidarity beyond absolute locations.3 

Table of Contents

  1. Historiography
  2. Gender Analysis
  3. Spatial Analysis
  4. Works Cited & Credits

Creator Biography

Shelley E. Rose is Professor of History and Women’s & Gender Studies at Cleveland State University. She serves as Director of Social Studies and cofounder of the Cleveland Teaching Collaborative. Her current research interests include digital humanities, scholarship of teaching and learning and protest history. For her selected works visit

Spatial CV



  1. This instructor example case study is based on a larger digital humanities project at This exhibit is a teaching tool for HIS 471 at Cleveland State University.
  2. NATO Dual Track Missile Decision (December 12, 1979), German History in Documents and Images.
  3. I have written elsewhere about place, geography and the No-DAPL movement. Shelley E. Rose, “Where is Standing Rock?” Peace and Change Blog, November 1, 2016. 


Politics of Protest and Gender: Student Research - Fall 2024 Copyright © 2024 by Shelley Rose. All Rights Reserved.

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