Historiography of Protest & Gender: Press Releases
Golden – Finalized Press Release
This sound clip interview is now an important piece of history. It is the detailed journey of a girl not yet a woman having to deal with the split-second decision as well as denying the pure facts. The attitude of “oh no, not me.” It is a true universal statement. This could help men everywhere understand the headspace of the sweet and unjaded youth of any place that has teenagers. It is important because we could learn from this story how to make it easier to discuss and let those who choose that or the other still need love, support, care and attention. This audio clip reveals the woes in this specific time attached to having and using the “my body, my choice” mantra. This story ties into the vote taken on May 25 on taking away the ban on abortions in general.
Melissa Madera, 2018. The Abortion Diary
Press Release
This project brings to the forefront stories of abortions through multiple viewpoints all with different races, ethnicities, socioeconomic status and genders. The founder of The Abortion Diary is Dr. Melissa Madera. She is from Washington heights, New York. She worked as a researcher and independent consultant with focuses on reproductive health, rights and abortion care. She started the Abortion Diary Project in the summer of 2013. The many abortion stories start as early as the 1950s and reaches all the way to 2019. Dr. Madera created this space as a way to connect with others and have the chance to inspire others to tell their story and find the strength in numbers if you will.
The article focuses on the restrictive abortion law that exists and the citizens endure in Manchester, England. The story is being told by a woman, well, a 16-year-old girl to be exact had to make the journey to where she could receive the proper care and treatment for such a procedure. This could be taken as a possible forewarning to us here in the states about what was to come with the overturning of Roe vs. Wade and Women’s Rights. It is essentially an interview through audio only that reveals the mental and physical struggle this young woman went through. She sheds light on how the people at the facilities were acting toward her as well as the people around her, family and friends alike. She drew the curtain on how the politics over in Ireland are oppressing people who just need help.
The notion that just because some may disagree with the method, they can’t automatically think the person who did it is a bad person. She sees not having the choice to have an abortion is a loss for the population. She highlights the different situations where having an abortion would be necessary. The price of the procedure in Britian was talked about as well as some after care items. The sound clip is 51mins and 06 seconds long. The story starts with C.G.C. accidentally, purposeful attempt to take a pregnancy test with her friend. Her friend had a negative result and C.G.C.’s test came back positive. The pressure of people telling her that she was doing the wrong thing by deciding what to do with her body and judging her without knowing what she is really like was overwhelming for her. The price the interviewee stated (Madera, 2018) was $500 for the procedure alone.
Her god-mother assisted them financially. The entire trip with room and board for the mother, father and C.G.C. was $2,000 in total. (Madera, 2018)That’s a hefty price to pay for something that needed to be done in her eyes. Even with the financial support the god-mother had a slight issue with C.G.C. unwilling to take the Plan-B pill instead of going through with the expensive procedure. The interviewer asked plenty straight-forward questions that helped the audience really get into the mindset of a 16-year-old C.G.C. at that time. The types of relationships she shares with individuals in her family is briefly mentioned. She speculates what her parents were possibly thinking when she had to pull them aside for the abortion discussion she needed to have. She sums up her experience to all and all you as the one making the decision is left, standing, alone and scared as C.G.C. puts it.
Melissa Madera, 2018. The Abortion Diary
Location: Galway, Ireland
Interview with C.G.C, Recorded 2016
The Abortion Diary Inc. 2020
The sound clip for an interview with C.G.C. that was taken as a part of a larger project The Abortion Diary, to let the voices of those who have experienced abortions tells their tales and connect to one another.
I would say she just observed a story being told and recorded it. Nothing complicated done here.
The only downside I could see with this method is some individuals may not be 100% honest and use the platform for attention instead of needed real support in a time of need.
Impact on Historiography
The Abortion Diary connects to my topic of post Roe vs. Wade overturn because having to mentally follow the mood and journey of this girl who needed to have this procedure might create empathy in some people. This and many other stories that are also a part of the hundreds of recorded interviews that Melissa Madera has made public are the voice of the people. Having to recall the gruesome details of one story may cause someone to see themselves in the same struggle. Trying to decide what to do but not the options are even more limited than before. The thought of healthcare providers being scared to treat a patient who has suffered a miscarriage or someone who needs an abortion due to a rape case or incest accusations. This interview with C.G.C. reenforces my claims that its no doubly going to be harder and more dangerous now to gain access to this procedure.