1913 Woman Suffrage Parade / Favino
Favino – Oral History Interview
Alice Paul, Interviewed by Amelia R. Fry. 24-26 November, 1972. Track: II-B [27:16]. https://oac.cdlib.org/view?docId=kt6f59n89c&doc.view=entire_text
- Who is being interviewed: Alice Paul
- Who is the interviewer: Amelia Roberts Fry conducted interviews for the Regional Oral History Office, 1959-1975 https://oac.cdlib.org/view?docId=hb8n39p2g3;NAAN=13030&doc.view=frames&chunk.id=div00044&toc.depth=1&toc.id=&brand=oac4
- When is the interview created: November 24 to 26, 1972 as part of the Regional Oral History Office at the library of the University of California.
- Who is the audience? History students. Researchers of Protest History, Suffrage History, Gender History, Political History.
- Where is it archived? The interview is archived at the Alice Paul Center for Gender Justice: Where History Inspires Action. https://www.alicepaul.org
Interview Clip
The Committee’s Suffrage Parade, March 3, 1913
This clip is part of the many topics discussed when Amelia R. Fry interviewed Alice Paul in 1972. In this clip, Paul discusses the planning of the 1913 Woman Suffrage Parade. She also discusses the day of the parade, how it commenced, and the problems that occurred when mobs blocked the marchers’ path. The transcription of the entirety of the interview can be found at the Online Archive of California. https://oac.cdlib.org/view?docId=kt6f59n89c&doc.view=entire_text. This specific section is on pages 69-81 of the transcription.