Hardin Oral History
Oral History Clip
Youtube Channel, D. N. (2017, January 21). Amy Goodman Interviews Women’s March Organizer Linda Sarsour, Now a Target of Islamophobic Attacks. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLcfJdDSR2U
Amy Goodman Interviews Women’s March Organizer Linda Sarsour, Now a Target of Islamophobic Attacks
Audio clip starts at 6:14 and ends at 7:29
- Who is being interviewed?- Muslim American activist and Women’s March organizer Linda Sarsour is being interviewed in the clip
- Who is in the interviewer?- The person interviewing Sarsour is Democracy Now reporter Amy Goodman
- When is the interview created? Why?- This interview was created on January 21, 2017 at the Women’s March in DC; the interview was had to give the public more clarity on the goals and processes that brought the march to fruition
- Who is the audience?- The intended audience is anyone with an interest or curiosity in the whys of the Women’s March and is open to hearing the women’s points .
- Where is the interview archived?- This interview was archived on Democracy Now’s Youtube channel
The clip of the 2017 Goodman interview with Sarsour does a great job expressing the intent and energy surrounding the Women’s March’s genesis. In the clip Sarsour does a great job explaining how the seemingly varied interests being advocated for are all overlapping for women as they are impacted by all society’s faults harder than men will, showing how key solidarity was to the event . She also covers issues such as the origins of the march , iconography associated with the event , and what plan women were charting ahead with through the unknown of the Trump Presidency . The entirety of the interview can be found on YouTube via the attached link above.