Instructor Example: Chains of Production, Chains of Protest: Women’s Peace Camps 1981-2000 / Rose
Here you will discuss the historiography of your topic. You might find that you have several sections that cover various historiographies. You will also want to link to your Press Release from this page as appropriate.
For example, my Women’s Peace Camps project contributes to these historiographies:
Cold War History
Antinuclear Protest History
Women’s and Gender History
Biographical History
In your exhibit you will give an overview of the secondary scholarship that contextualizes and supports your project. Be clear in your exhibit how your project contributes to each historiography.
*For Student Creators: Your gender analysis should be clear in the exhibit you create. Include a clear analysis in 3-4 paragraphs or using digital tools we studied in class. The paragraph above is an example starter paragraph. Be sure to cite your sources using Chicago Manual of Style* See the Guide to Creating your DH project for more information