Instructor Example: Chains of Production, Chains of Protest: Women’s Peace Camps 1981-2000 / Rose
Oral History- Rose
Shelley Rose
Thalia Delphine Campbell, Interviewed by Lyn E. Smith. 7 June 1992. Catalogue Number 12698. Imperial War Museum.
- Who is being interviewed: Thalia Delphine Campbell
- Who is the interviewer: Lyn E. Smith- Smith conducted interviews for the Imperial War Museum of people who has experience World War II
- When is the interview created: June 7, 1992 as part of the Imperial War Museum Oral History Collection
- Who is the audience? History students, researchers of protest history, Cold War History, Gender History
- Where is it archived? The interview is archived at the Imperial War Museum Sound Archive
Interview Clip
This interview with Thalia Delphine Campbell is an important primary source from an activist who participated in the origins of the Greenham Common march in 1981, and later encampment. She discusses the origins of early protest signs and symbolism and the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND).