Figure 1 Leftist Rioters’ Birthplace According to Cleveland Press in Absolute TermsFigure 2 Leftist Rioters’ Nationality Based on Census Reports of language. Dotted sections and quoted nations indicated individuals who could not be clarified.Figure 3 Distribution of Leftist Rioters’ Home Addresses with Clarified NationalityFigure 4 Good Morning presents the narrative of the American solider, once returning to economic deprivation stateside, joining the proponents of “Down with Everything.”Figure 5 N,B,&K’s Famous “Pyramid of Capitalist Systems,” presenting a basic anti-capitalistic view of class warfare.Figure 6 Another NBK’s design IWW propaganda poster. Partially in Slovenian, note that Karl Marx as an educator, instructs the worker in taking out society’s problem by the root of “ignorance.” Also note the in effective efforts of doctors, theologians, and trust-busters as only trimming at the edges of social ills. Courtesy of the digitization efforts of the Joseph A. Labadie Collection at University of Michigan.Figure 7 Another NBK poster titled ‘The Last Strike,” it stretches the limits of political-cartoon leveling to explain in a single picture a complete anarcho-syndicalist view of how capitalism is maintained and how socialism is to be attained. Courtesy of the digitization efforts of the Joseph A. Labadie Collection at University of MichiganFigure 8 A nonviolent Victory Loan advertisement cartoon in the Cleveland Press.Figure 9 The violence-insinuating front page picture on the Dealer’s May 3, 1919 issue. Bolshevism and patriotism are directly contrasted, while violence towards leftists and Victory Bonds are equated.