12 赵玉琪

Lesson Plan: Chinese Language for Primary Schools

Yuqi Zhao

School Type: Public Number of students: 37
Grade: 5th Grade Proficiency Level: Intermediate-Low/Mid/High
Teaching minutes: 60 minutes
Topic: 《小学华文》3B 《 “失物” 认领》Chinese Language for Primary Schools-Textbook 3
Post Assessment/Evaluation

Status of Students

学生已经初步了解了《 “失物” 认领》故事中的所有生词,以及造句的要素,包括时间、谁、在哪里、怎么样地、做什么。Students had been introduced all the new vocabulary in the story in the previous lessons, and they understand how to make a sentence using when, who, where, how, and what.

Post Assessment/Evaluation

State Standards / ACTFL Standards

Standards of the State of Michigan (https://www.michigan.gov/documents/mde/World_Langauges_Complete_3-26-07_193195_7.pdf)

1.1.M.SL.f Share a detailed description of places and things beyond their immediate environment or in the target culture.

1.1.M.RW.f Share a written detailed description of places and things beyond the student’s immediate environment or in the target culture.

1.2.M.L.b Understand interpersonal communication, spoken messages, and group discussions in the target language on familiar topics related to family, school, and community.

Post Assessment/Evaluation

Lesson’s Content Focus/ Objective

  1. Students will be able to recognize and apply the following target vocabulary: 失物、认领、教室、洁白的、沙滩、三五成群、摸、自己、休息、准备、午餐、捡东西、举起、透明的、塑料袋、汽水罐、香蕉皮、水瓶、吸管、纸巾、垃圾桶
  2. Students will be able to use the following sentence elements to write stories: 时间、谁、在哪里、怎么样地、做什么
  3. Students will be able to understand the target vocabulary and use correct Chinese language to orally describe them.
  4. Students will be able to use the target vocabulary to complete the given sentences correctly.
  5. Students will be able to integrate the target vocabulary with the learned sentence elements to write their own story in one or two paragraphs.
Post Assessment/Evaluation

Materials Needs

Teacher-made filling-blank worksheet, sets of flashcards, poster paper, projector, internet, Chromebook/tablet/iPad, Quizlet website/APP, Kahoot! Website/APP

Post Assessment/Evaluation




Teacher Behavior

Students Behavior

1. Review Target Vocabulary 1 – Match it up


Review previous learned target vocabulary
  1. Group up the students first, each group have at least 3 people.
  2. Announce the rules: do not touch the flashcards till the teacher says “start”; raising hands when you finished; staying with your group members all the time.
  3. Teacher delivery the flashcard sets to different groups, and says “start” when everyone is ready.
  4. When first round finished, switch flashcard sets among groups, therefore the second round will start with a different set.
  1. Students should match the vocabulary cards with corresponded pictures when the activity starts.
  2. When finished, raising hand and waiting for teacher to check their work.
  3. Time is up, turn in the flashcard sets, go back to their assigned seats and get ready for the second activity.

Activity 2: Review Target Vocabulary 2 – Describe and Guess


Reinforce the memory of previous learned target vocabulary

  1. Pair up the students first, and using Quizlet Flashcards or paper flashcards (prepared in advance) to go through all the flashcards during the practice.
  2. After the first round, switch the role and practice again.
  3. After 5-minute practice in pairs, the teacher asks volunteers to do a 1-minute challenge (i.e., special task for certain students) in front of the class.
  4. Within 1 minute, let’s see which pair can get the most words correct.
  1. One of the students describe the pictures without using the target words and another student should guess what it is.
  2. After 5-minute practice in pairs, volunteering to do a 1-minute challenge in front of the class.
  3. Time is up, clean up and go back to their assigned seats, get ready for the third activity.

Activity 3: Filling the blanks


  1. Handout the worksheet (see Appendix 1) and ask the students raise their hands when their finish writing their names and the date.
  2. There are 5 practices in the worksheet. Tell the students to fill the blanks for the sentences with the right words which are given above the sentences.
  3. Ask the whole group to read the sentence with blanks first.
  4. Next, guide the students to fill out the blanks.
  5. Last, ask students to read the completed sentence all together.

The link for worksheet

1. Read the 5 questions (see Appendix 1) one by one under teacher’s guidance, and clap their hands twice instead of the blanks.

2. Then, take turns to speak out the given vocabulary on the worksheet and fill out the blanks.

3. Read the completed sentence all together.

Appendix 1

Activity 4: Write a mini story using the target vocabulary

(25 min)

  1. Mini story writing: let’s see which group can use the most target words. They can use the activity 3 worksheet as a reference.
  2. Each pair of students gets a poster paper and they should work together to write the story down on that paper.
  3. In the last 5 minutes, invite the students to present their stories in class.
  1. Students work in pairs to use the vocabulary they just practiced and the given sentence elements (when, who, where, how and what) to write their own mini stories.
  2. Students have 20 minutes to write the story on the poster and when time’s up, they should hand in their papers.
  3. Present their stories in class.

Activity 5: Wrap-up / Sponge Activity: Kahoot!

(5 min)

Use Kahoot (online quiz tool) to wrap up the vocabulary review and sentence practice.

  1. Set up 3 basic rules for playing the game first: no naughty names; can’t be louder than the background music; and be patient.
  2. Ask the students to log in the website: https://kahoot.it/#/, and type the game pin which the teacher post on the whiteboard.
  3. Start to play the game: the teacher’s portal shows questions and choices, and the students’ portal only shows choices, the students only need to click on the right one. The result would pop out immediately after all the players answered.
  4. After all the questions had been answered, game is over.

Follow teacher’s instruction.

Post Assessment/Evaluation

Post Assessment/Evaluation

Target vocabulary dictation

Post Assessment/Evaluation


Review the target vocabulary and complete all the practice on the Quizlet.

Lesson Plan Analysis

The plan has been built on: standard, philosophy and/or rationale

This lesson plan also used ACTFL 5C standards as a guideline. The main focus is communication: in Activities 1 and 2, students have to use their interpersonal communication to complete the task, in Activity 3; students need to use interpretive communication to understand what they read and fill the blanks; and in Activity 4, after writing a mini story, students need to present to class using presentational communication.

Teaching Methodology & Teaching Strategies

The main idea of this practice lesson is to scaffold students from decoding the vocabulary to applying the vocabulary. It is not only a vocabulary reviewing lesson, but also integrating listening, speaking, reading and writing in different activities. An effective way to master vocabulary is through practicing the four basic skills at the same time. Scaffolding is the key of designing this lesson, from knowing the words to using the words, students need sufficient time and practice to make it a solid transition. As for 5th grade students, they still have a short time span and easily get bored, therefore try to keep each activity short (10 minute duration). In order to keep their interests up, there are two different activities to help in reviewing the learned vocabulary and applying the vocabulary in writing. Before the mini-writing activity, it is best to provide a fill-in-the-blanks practice sheet which provides reference on how to use target vocabularies in a story.

Strengths and Limitations

In this lesson, both formative assessment and summative assessment was used. As we are still in the middle of the unit, most of the assessments were designed for pairs and groups, which can help the lower level students feel less nervous when doing the assessment. At the end of the unit, there is a summative assessment for each student, at that time, each student’s problem can be addressed. All the activities are designed for a purpose; integrating assessments into activities can help teachers make the lesson more efficient and exciting.

This lesson is designed for immersion students; therefore, the whole class uses 100% target language. Using total immersion strategy can help students practice their listening and interpersonal communication, as well as the circumlocution skills. When students forget a word, they have to use the target language to describe it and try to make others understand, which requires the circumlocution skills.

Suggestions for Users

This lesson plan is aimed to scaffold students from decoding the target vocabularies to applying them. The target vocabulary was introduced to the students at the beginning of this unit. Four different activities have been outlined to help students practice the vocabulary through listening, speaking, reading and writing. Technology also plays an important role in these activities. The first two activities need more classroom management skills to maintain the students in a good manner. The second activity, a teacher must walk around and even participate with students in practice describing and guessing, especially working more with lower level students. In this way, students will understand that the teacher can help them on a task; meanwhile it also helps reduce the misbehaviors.

Post Assessment/Evaluation

Author Bio


Zhao, Yuqi, graduated from Michigan State University with Master of Arts in Teaching and Curriculum. Currently pursuing Master of Elementary Education in Grand Valley State University, holding Michigan Standard Teaching Certificate of K-12 Foreign language (Chinese) and K-5 Elementary Endorsement. Teaching 5th grade Chinese immersion program in a public elementary school in Michigan for over 5 years, and participated in several Chinese curricula writing projects. In 2014, working as a mentor teacher in MSU ‘Startalk’ program. In 2017, organized and coordinated a China trip for families in the Chinese immersion program.



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