4 陈晓珊

Lesson Plan: What is in your backpack?

Amy Miller

School Type: Public middle school Number of students: 22
Grade: 7 Proficiency Level: Level I (ACTFL Novice Low)
Teaching minutes: 40 minutes Textbooks: 快樂漢語
Methods: direct instruction; TPR; MovieTalk
Learner Characteristics

In this class 19 seventh graders meet for 11 weeks to study Novice-Low Mandarin Chinese. None have prior experience with or knowledge of Mandarin Chinese.

To accommodate the needs and abilities of individual students in the class, students participate in learning in groups to engage in meaningful discussions and learn from one another (Johnson & Johnson, 1989). Except for the whole-class learning setting, students work in small groups or in pairs.

Objectives / Learning Targets
Objectives: In this lesson, students will

  • Identify and say 10 different objects in a backpack.
  • Use the interrogative forms of the “是” in a sentence.

Chinese English
這是什麼? 這是......  那是什麼? 那是...... What is this? This is…What is that? That is…

Behavioral objectives:

  • With the Total Physical Response‒Storytelling (TPRS) method infused into the teaching, students will show their understanding by acting or gesturing accurately during reading and storytelling.
  • On a SMART Notebook 17.1, students will complete given tasks using four sentence patterns (negative and interrogative forms of “是shì. “這是什麼? 這是...... / 那是什麼? 那是...... and “這是你的......嗎? 這是我的....../ 那是你的......嗎? 那不是我的......”) with their partners.
  • After watching a movie clip about school supplies on YouTube, students will complete the given task—Movie Talk—on a paper worksheet.
  • Students will complete a language learning task through Quizlet online with 100% accuracy.
Standards and/or Competencies
Ohio’s New Learning Standards: K‒12 World Languages
Students can..
Speak/Listen (Interpersonal and Presentational)

  • Students can say the names of school supplies in Chinese.
  • Students can understand basic descriptions of school supplies.
  • Students can use the interrogative forms of the “是shì” sentence.

Read (Interpretive)

  • Students can read and understand a sentence, paragraph or dialog about school supplies.

Write (Presentational)

  • Students can create a short dialogue by drawing pictures about school supplies.
Materials Needed

  • A SMARTboard
  • PowerPoint file
  • Internet access
  • Quizlet
  • Student Worksheet Packet
  • Scissors / Glue
  • A grocery-sized bag
  • 10 school supplies (such as pen, pencil, cell phone, ruler, etc.)

Day 1 & 2

Objective: Students can orally label the names of school supplies by making gestures or acting.

Warm up (5 minutes)

Students read rhymes aloud.


1 2

4 5

7 8 9

Rationale: Every week students take turns as the role of mini-teacher, who leads the whole class in the five-minute morning routine by reading rhymes aloud before the lesson begins.

Pre-Assessment (5m)


  1. Know students’ background knowledge on a new topic;
  2. Motivate students to learn more;
  3. Improve the teacher’s teaching.

Appendix 1

Pre/post-assessment  名字: _______________

Listen and then write down the numbers (ex: 1, 2, 3...) you hear from the following pictures.

(  ) 橡皮擦 ( 1 ) 鉛筆
(  ) 鉛筆盒/筆袋 (  ) 筆記本
(  ) 尺 (  ) 剪刀
(  ) 筆  (  ) 書
(  ) 釘書機 (  ) 彩色筆

Introduce New Words (20m)

We will engage in a series of TPR gestures created by students and teacher.

The procedures for teaching new words are as follows:

  • Students first brainstorm to create appropriate actions or gestures to represent all new words. American Sign Language serves as a good support for developing creative gestures.
  • About 10 words are presented during the first two to three days. Because we will also review previously taught vocabulary, no more than four to six new words are introduced per class.
  • First, the teacher says the new words for the students and uses gestures or body movement at the same time to illustrate the meaning of the word.
  • Second, students imitate the gestures as the teacher says the word. At this stage, the teacher is not merely determining whether all students recognize the commands but also to adjusting his or her teaching pace.
  • Next, we will review and practice words by saying and performing gestures multiple times as a class or with peers.
  • To ensure comprehensive learning for the students, the teacher will incorporate some fun activities to create an enjoyable and low-stress learning environment and teachable moments.

The introduction of the games:

Simon says with a twist

First, the teacher displays school supplies or flashcards with pictures and target words on the table.

Second, divide the students into two teams (boys vs girls). Each team sends a representative for every round to come to the front of the classroom.

Third, each group sends a representative for every round.

Example: Teacher might say, “qiān bǐ” (鉛筆/pencil) in Chinese. The student who gives the correct response while quickly grabbing a pencil gets 1 point for their team.

Finally, the team who gets the most points first wins the game.


First, divide the students into two teams (boys vs girls).

Second, each team sends a representative for every round to come to the front of the classroom.

Third, the teacher shows a flashcard with the target vocabulary and pinyin without pictures to the two representative students only.

Fourth, two students must recognize the word and act out what they see without speaking. The first team to act out and guess correctly wins a point. Continue playing until all students have tried.

Wall-to-Wall TPR

First, have the boys stand against one wall of the room while the girls stand on the opposite side.

Second, the teacher shouts out the target word “chǐ” (尺/ruler). Have them do the TPR action whilst racing to the opposite side.

Third, the student who gives the correct response gets to take a step forward towards the “Finish Line.”

Finally, the team with the most players at the finish line wins

Formative assessment (5 minutes)

Students will work in pair to show that everyone has full understanding of the words using SMART Notebook 17.1 Matching Game.

First, rearrange the pictures.

Second, ask students to come to front of the classroom. One student says “jiǎn dāo” (scissors) in Chinese and another student finds the correct pictures. The team that can finish the game in 30 seconds or less will be the winner.

Day 3

Objective: Students can identify Chinese characters by recognizing the Pictograms  (象形 xiàng xíng, “Chinese character derived from a picture”).

Warm up (5 minutes)

The mini-teacher leads the whole class to read aloud the rhymes together before starting today’s lesson.



2 3
5 6
8 9

New Worlds Learning (20m)

  • The teacher will introduce the Chinese characters with a PowerPoint presentation to explore Chinese Pictograms.
    • 秀文苑
    • 秀文苑



    • 智象識字
    • 智象識字

      智象識字: 「尺」這個字看起來像是一個人在大步向前走。

  • Second, the teacher will play the stroke order first and then invite individual students to demonstrate the stroke order to the whole class.
  • When one student is on stage to demonstrate the stroke order, the other students will work on their writing assignment from today’s packet.
  • chǐ

    ________⇐ define in English


    ⇐illustrate the Chinese

  • Finally, students will turn in their packets; they should be able to write the meaning of the vocabulary in English and complete their Chinese symbol writing.

Formative assessment (5 minutes)

Students will play the SMART Notebook Matching Game by matching the pictures and words correctly to evaluate how well they learned today’s lesson.

First, rearrange the pictures

Second, one student will say the word and another student matches the picture and Chinese character correctly. Each team should complete the match in 30 seconds or less to pass.

  • If time remains, students will do a Quizlet on school supplies. Quizlet is a free website which provides learning tools for students, including flashcards, write, spelling, test, matching games, and a gravity game.
  • Quizlet Learn
    Quizlet Write
    Quizlet Match






  • If more time remains, students will play School Supplies Bingo.

    • Distribute a bingo game worksheet to students to test their word knowledge at the end of the lesson.
    • Write pinyin on the back of each flashcard.
    • Cut out each word.
    • The teacher will read the word aloud first, and then students can match it with the appropriate icon.
    • Connect the three icons as a vertical, horizontal, or diagonal line.
    • Student who gets a complete line first wins the game and receives extra points.

School Supplies Bingo (Front)

名字: ______________

School Supplies Bingo (Back)

鉛(铅)qiān 筆(笔)bǐ 盒hé 擦cā 子zi 剪jiǎn 刀dāo
書(书)shū 鉛(铅)qiān 筆(笔)bǐ 尺chǐ
手shǒu 機(机)jī 筆(笔)bǐ 記jì 本běn 原yuán 子zǐ 笔(笔)bǐ

Day 4

Objective: By the end of the class, students will be able to show and tell what school supplies are in the backpack by using “這是…...” and “那是......”, and possessive pronouns “這是我的...... ” and “那是媽媽的...... ”.

Warm up (5 minutes)

The mini-teacher leads the whole class in reading aloud the rhymes together before starting today’s lesson so that students can (1) pronounce Mandarin correctly; (2) recite what they have learned in prior lessons.


1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9

Sentence Structures (20 minutes)

Chinese English
這是什? 這是我的......

那是什? 那是媽媽的......

What is this? This is my...

What is that? That is my mother’s...

  • First, the teacher teaches the sentence structures 這是…... and 那是…... using TPR gestures and acting.
  • This is…  這是…...

    That is…  那是......

  • Practice the sentence structures repeatedly with various activities until all students comprehend the content.
    • Student Modeling: Call on Student A to give commands (gestures only) to Student B, who should be able to comprehend and say the sentence in Chinese correctly.
    • Category: Students draw pictures on the back of each flashcard.

    Front Back
  • Then, the teacher gives directions: Ask the students to divide their flashcards into two categories and be able to explain why they divide them as they did. Students share categories with partners and the class.
  • Category 1 Category 2
    這zhè 是shì
    This is
    鉛qiān 筆bǐ
  • After that, the teacher says one item, and students then hold that card up and share answers (in Chinese) with partners and the class.  Then, the teacher gives directions with actions or gestures only (no sound); students place two to three cards on their desks and share answers (in Chinese) with partners and the class. For example:
  • Finally, the teacher writes on the board where these cards should be and asks students to share their answers and read aloud with partners and the class.

SMART Notebook 17.1 Activity: Students will work in pairs. One student pulls out an image of a pencil and asks「這是什麼?」“What is this?”  Then the other student has to answer correctly in Chinese「這是我的鉛筆」“This is my pencil.”

Formative assessment (5 minutes)

  • Students will work in pairs.
  • The teacher prepares a bag with school supplies inside or on the SMART notebook 17.1.
  • Student A grabs an item from the bag and asks “這是什麼?”.
  • Student B has to answer when Student A pulls the item from a bag.

Day 5

Objective: Students will be able to show, share, and create sentences by using flashcards.

Warm up (5 minutes)

The mini-teacher leads the whole class in reading aloud the rhymes together so that students can (1) pronounce Mandarin correctly; (2) recite the lessons what have learned in prior lessons.









8 9

Flash Card Activity (20 minutes)

  • Students will put flash cards from the previous day into two categories on their desks, then randomly choose one or two students to read them to the whole class.
  • Students will use all their flashcards to create sentences as directed by the teacher (the sentences are on the PPT slide). Example: Put on your desk the card for “媽媽 mother” and “的 particle word.” Then students finish the sentence by adding at least two more cards to make a sentence. Students will then share their sentences with their partners and also with the class.
  • Students will create a sentence on their own, using as many of the cards as they can. If they need to insert words not on a flashcard, they will leave a space.
  • Students will then write their sentences on paper to turn in to the teacher.

Formative assessment (5 minutes)

  • Students will use their fresh card to make sentences.
  • If time remains, students will complete the following task.

名字: __________________

Put the word in the right place.






  那是 你的   鉛筆  



她是   我的 媽媽;   我的   姊姊





     a:同學  b: c: d:我的 e:Mary f:


Day 6 & Day 7

Objective: Students will retell the story in English in a Movie Talk learning activity.

Warm up (5 minutes)

The mini-teacher will lead the whole class in reading aloud the rhymes together so that students can (1) pronounce Mandarin correctly; and (2) recite the lessons that they have learned in prior lessons.








Movie Talk Lesson (40 minutes)

  • Teacher will distribute a vocabulary list to students.

Vocabulary List


bǐ jì běn


zào xíng


tàn wàng


tiē zhǐ


xǐ huān


shēng bìng





tú àn


yǒu yì tiān



zhè shì


niú năi hé


kǒu zhào



sòng gěi


kě yǐ


là jiāo


fěn hóng sè




tái wān




lǐ wù


tǔ ěr qí rén


xiǎo xióng



tú jiā


qiān bǐ hé

  • The teacher explains each word and students draw a picture on the back of the flashcard.
  • Students cut out each flashcard.
  • Teachers could play the flashcards game such as category and story time with the students so they can comprehend the meaning of each word.


The teacher gives directions and says one item. Students then hold that card up and share answers (in Chinese) with partners and the class.  Then, the teacher may give more directions by asking students to divide all words into categories and ask students to share answers with partners and the class. Students might also divide words based on grammatical form: Verb, Noun, Conjunction… etc. Some might even divide words into food, day, action, etc.

Story Time

Teacher makes a short story based on the flashcards.

Teacher says “zhè shì fěn hóng sè xiǎo xióng” (This is a pink colored, little bear.) Then students have to find the cards and put them in order correctly.

The teacher will then continue making short sentences until there are only a few flashcards left.

Finally, the students leave the correct number of flashcard left without making sentences to pass the game.

  • Next, teacher presents a PPT with 8 pictures and reading content.

圖佳 YouTube Clip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MvD7ZOYrObs

❏  妹妹生病了;這是粉紅色的口罩要送給妹妹。
❏  這是蔥造型和辣椒造型的筆。
❏  哥哥是土耳其人。
❏  有一天哥哥要帶妹妹去台灣玩。
❏  這是粉紅色的貼紙。
❏  這是圖佳,是哥哥。她是圖佳的妹妹。
❏  這是牛奶盒造型的鉛筆盒。
❏  這是小熊圖案的筆記本。

  • Students will work in pairs, then use the vocabulary list and PPT to discuss the content of the story.
  • Teacher will ask circling questions, such as yes/no; or wh- to interact with students.
  • Students will match the correct pictures and sentences and share with the class before teacher plays the YouTube video.
  • Then, teacher delivers Movie Clip worksheet.
  • Teacher plays the  圖tú 佳jiā YouTube video.
  • Students complete their task by matching correct pictures and sentence slips with glue stick.
  • Finally, students translate them into English.

圖tú 佳jiā Movie Clip Worksheet  Name:____________

Order Picture Sentence slip English
1st 這是圖佳,是哥哥。她是圖佳的妹妹。 This is brother TuJia.

She is Tu Jia’s younger sister.


Post-Assessment (5 minutes)

Pre/post-assessment  名字: _______________

Listen and then write down the numbers (ex: 1, 2, 3...) you hear from the following pictures.

(  ) 橡皮擦 ( 1 ) 鉛筆
(  ) 鉛筆盒/筆袋 (  ) 筆記本
(  ) 尺 (  ) 剪刀
(  ) 筆  (  ) 書
(  ) 釘書機 (  ) 彩色筆


Websites for extended learning:


YouTube 幼儿识字(三)第4讲 学习用品








Chinese stroke


American Sign Language




Writing: order of stroke in Chinese Characteristics




Written Chinese Character

文具用品rhyme YouTube

文具用品rhyme youtube

文具用品rhyme youtube



Formative assessment will be incorporated into the class. Instruments used:

Quizlet Stationery Vocabulary

Quizlet Stationery Sentences

SMART notebook 17.1 Matching Game

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