Editors and Authors


Huiwen Li 李惠文, Chief Editor 主编

MEd, MA, EdD, and PhD (in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language program) student; Head Teacher / Assistant Director of Educational Programs, adjust professor, curriculum and teacher training specialist. At American universities Dr. Li teaches Chinese language & linguistics, Chinese culture, educational research, and Chinese calligraphy. He authored or co-authored quite a few publications, and is the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Chinese Language Teaching Methodology and Technology. His research interests include teaching methodology, learning assessment, teacher professional development, curriculum design, and psychology in education.



Hui Pang 庞晖: Co-Chief Editor 共同主编

Visiting professor at Cleveland State University, Associate professor at Qingdao University, Associate Editor of the Journal of Chinese Language Teaching Methodology and Technology. Prof. Pang teaches languages and culture, hosts teacher training, and conducts research on teacher professional development, teaching methodology, culture shock, etc. She holds the memberships of ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages), CSCTFL (Central States Conference of Teaching Foreign Languages), OFLA (Ohio Foreign Languages Association), and OATC (Ohio Association of Teachers of Chinese). She is the committee member of Foreign Language Teaching Sub-committee of Chinese Society of Education. In addition, she is the certified raining specialist for People’s Education Press, and Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.

克利夫兰州立大学孔子学院访问教授、青岛大学外语学院副教授、美国Chinese Language Teaching Methodology and Technology杂志副主编。从事语言文化教学研究、教师培训、教师专业成长研究。美国外语教育学会会员、美国中部外语教育学会会员、俄亥俄外语教学研究会、俄亥俄中文教师学会、中国教育学会外语教学委员会委员、人民教育出版社外语培训专家、外语教学与研究出版社英语阅读教学培训专家。

Esther Seday 司迪寿春, Co-Chief Editor 共同主编 and Author 作者

Ohio 5-12 Principal licensure, Life Skill High School Academic Coach; intern-principal, Student Adviser, Teacher Mentor, Cleveland State University Teaching Field Supervisor, Cleveland State University Chinese Teacher trainer; the Central States Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages Leadership member, Ohio Foreign Language Association Advisory Council member, and College Board Advanced Placement (AP) Advocacy member.

持有美国5-12校长资质,Life Skill High School 教育处主任,曾任劳蕾尔学校实习校长、学生导师、教师导师;克利夫兰州立大学实习教师督导、中文教师培训特聘专家。美国中部州外语教学会议领导团队成员、俄亥俄外语教学会顾问委员会委员、大学理事会大学预科课程推广会成员。


Yuxin Carcamo (卜羽馨)

My English name is Yuxin Carcamo. I am from Beijing, China and arrived in America in 2007.  I earned my Master Degree of Linguistics with Concentration of Teaching Chinese from CSU Long Beach, California in 2009.  I have been teaching at Firebaugh High School which is located in a Latino community of Lywnood, California, since 2011. I have been teaching in city college as a part-time Chinese class instructor. I am blessed to have teaching as my career. I am honored to earn the California State Outstanding Student Teacher, awarded by Delta Kappa Gamma Society, 2012, and Certification of Recognition presented by California State Senator, 2014, and 2015. I have been attending various professional workshops and trainings.  One of the most influential workshops was Dr. Krashen’s Comprehensible Input because it shaped my teaching philosophy: language acquisition requires relaxed, meaningful, and understandable interactive communication.

卜羽馨,来自中国北京。毕业于加州州立长滩大学,语言学专业硕士中文教学方向。 自2011年起在加州洛杉矶地区林舞市公立高中飞博高中担任全职中文老师,教授中文一到四和IB课程,兼职社区大学中文教学。我很感恩从事教学事业。2012年荣获Delta Kappa Gamma组织的加州优秀新进教师奖,2014年和2015年荣获加州议员签署颁发的IB教师贡献奖状。我热衷参加众多专业培训,其中影响我最深的一次是Dr. Krashen’s Comprehensible Input的讲座,他当面告诉我有趣的Storytelling和Comprehensible Input的重要性塑造了我的教学理念,那就是语言习得是在轻松,有意义并可以理解的沟通中获得的。

CHEN, Hui (陈蕙)

Hui Chen is a certified Chinese teacher in Ohio. She has been teaching Chinese language and culture for more than ten years in different school settings. During 2007-2009, she was one of the steering committee members and the writing team members, and a Chinese editor for ODE’s K-4 Chinese Curriculum Program.  Since 2013, her students have participated in the Ohio K-12th Chinese Speech and Essay Contests and won many awards. Ms. Chen received Outstanding Engagement Award and 10 Years Teaching Achievement Award from Ohio Association Of Teachers of Chinese and Confucius Institute.


LU, Haiyun (卢海云)

Haiyun Lu has been a Chinese teacher since 1993.  Over her 20 years of teaching, she has taught students from pre-primary to retired college professors. She currently teaches at one of the top rated independent schools in the Midwest.  She is a presenter at various language related national conferences and a trainer in Teaching with Comprehensible Input (TCI) based instructions.  She is a story writer in Chinese.

Some of Haiyun’s awards include:

  • Modified Oral Proficiency Interview Tester (2017)
  • WAFLT Recognition of Merit (2013)
  • Confucius Classroom via Asia Society (2009 – present)
  • Charles F. Wright Technology in Teaching Award (2009)
  • Wisconsin Critical Language Fellowship (2007 & 2008)
  • Psychology Department Honor at Cardinal Stritch University (2005)

MILLER, HsiaoSan  (Amy) (陈晓珊)

HsiaoSan (Amy) Miller holds a PhD in Curriculum & Instruction focusing on Second / Foreign language acquisition from Kent State University. She teaches Mandarin Chinese in the Ravenna Ohio school district. She also teaches at the Chinese Heritage Language School in Akron OH. Her research interests focus on curriculum theory and reflective teaching. The Total Physical Response (TPR) is used throughout her curriculum to help learners focusing on a deeper comprehension and acquisition in Mandarin Chinese.  

XU, Xiaoxia (徐晓霞)

B.A. in Chinese Language and Literature; MEd in Foreign Language Education. Xiaoxia is passionate in curriculum design and innovative ways to engage students, publishing and presenting at state and national levels on topics including integration of language and culture, performance assessment and effective technological tools for world language classrooms. She is currently teaching upper level courses at Shady Side Academy, Pennsylvania. In five years at the senior school, she has revamped the high school Chinese curriculum and created the AP Chinese program at the school for the first time. Xiaoxia was honored to be named as a Keystone STARS educator by Pennsylvania Association for Education Communications and Technology in 2017 and received the Innovative Educator Award by Shady Side Academy in 2016.

YUAN, Qiuping (袁秋萍)

Qiuping Yuan obtained her Master Degree of Arts in China and Master Degree of Arts at Michigan State University. She also received her teaching certificate in Michigan. She is currently a Mandarin teacher for the Lakeshore Public School District in Michigan.

She was awarded “Teacher of the Year” by Chinese Language Association of Michigan in 2015. She won two awards by the Chinese Language Teachers Association, USA, in 2015 and 2016. She has published a couple of papers in the U.S.

袁秋萍,英美文学、教育学双硕士。在密西根州立大学教育系修完教师证项目和硕士学位,通过密西根州教师证考试。现任美国公立学校初中、高中部中文教师。曾经担任过美国公立学校小学、高中特殊教育班、高中12年级senior leadership 以及AP中文的任课老师。

2015年被Chinese Language Association of Michigan评为teacher of the year。2015年和2016年分别获得过全美中文教师协会的奖(the Chinese Language Teachers Association, USA)。多次在全美和密西根州做过教学讲座,在美国教学期刊发表过数篇教学文章。

ZHANG, Dun (张敦)

Ms. Dun Zhang, a mother of three children, received her B.A. from Wellesley College, Mass, and her M.S. and teacher licensure from OSU. She has taught Chinese as a FL in American secondary schools for 12 years. She piloted an interactive video conferencing Chinese T&L program for one year, witnessed a great increase in students’ enrollment the following year.

Another teaching opportunity brought her to the current in-classroom teaching post in a public school system. She is teaching Chinese 1, 2, and 3, supervises some Independent Studies students, and has been an adviser to Chinese Clubs in all three high schools in her district for ten years. She teaches Chinese 1 through blended learning, and teaches Chinese 2 & 3 in a mixed environment, in which Chinese 2 and 3 are taught in the same room, at the same time. She travels to three different buildings each day, teaches students in grades 8-12 in all 3 levels daily.

张敦女士, 三个孩子的妈妈, 从美国麻州的威斯理大学获得了学士学位,从俄亥俄州立大学获得了硕士学位和对外汉语教学执照。她从事初高中对外汉语教学已有12年。十多年前,她在一个私校体系里开始从教。当时的教学模式是互动式的视频教学。当年, 美国联邦政府为了扩大对外汉语教学的范围,拨款在全国范围内开发了三个视频教学点。张女士有幸成为其中一个教学点的教师! 来年见证学中文的学生人数大增。


ZHANG, Kexin (张可昕)

Kexin Zhang received her Master of Education degree in Curriculum and Instruction major (Concentration in Foreign Language) from George Mason University and B.A. in English Literature from Sun Yat-sen University. She was one of the Professional Aviation Translators in China. She has over thirteen years of experience in teaching Chinese in the United States, and she is also a director of CLTA-NCR. She is good at cultivating students’ critical thinking skills and inspiring students’ motivation by implementing the theories of Multiple Intelligences, the three modes of communication, TPR and technology in her teaching, and using ACTFL performance guidelines to assess how well her students performance. Her students achieved outstanding scores from YCT Level III test during 2017-2018 school year.

中山大学外语系毕业,曾在中国获得航空翻译资格证书,后在乔治梅森大学取得教育硕士学位。在美国的中小学任教长达13年之久,并兼任美国教师学会大华府地区的理事。她善于在教学中培养学生的思考能力,并应用多元智能理论、完全肢体反映教学法及科技手段激发学生们的学习热情。2017-2018学年她的学生在YCT 3级考试中均取得了优异的成绩。

ZHAO, Yuqi (赵玉琪)

Zhao, Yuqi, graduated from Michigan State University with Master of Arts in Teaching and Curriculum, and currently pursuing Master of Elementary Education in Grand Valley State University, holding Michigan Standard Teaching Certificate of K-12 Foreign language (Chinese) and K-5 Elementary Endorsement. Teaching 5th Grade Chinese immersion program in a public elementary school in Michigan over 5 years, and participated in several Chinese curricula writing projects. In 2014, working as a mentor teacher in MSU Startalk program. In 2017, organized and coordinated a China trip for families in Chinese immersion program of the school district.


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