Spatial Development: Theory, Process, and Challenges

9 Challenges of urban development


In the last two modules we read about development theories and applied development. In this module we consider development’s complications. Why it doesn’t happen everywhere with the same frequency or intensity, why it might not go according to plan, and how some might view the implications of development to be suboptimal.


Your first reading focuses on “Legacy Cities”. This topic has likely come up already in class, but this reading gives us a more formal introduction and overview. In Regenerating America’s Legacy Cities, please read the Executive Summary and Chapter 1. Note: You don’t have to purchase the book – download it for free.

The second reading is focuses on Gentrification. Because there is so much “development vs. gentrification” tension, I wanted us to get more than a surface treatment of the topic. From the Oxford Research Encyclopedia, please read Gentrification in the United States. Note: You’ll have to provide your CSU credentials to get access to this reading. 



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UST 290 Urban Geography by Brian Mikelbank is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.