
11 Neighborhood change


With a more formal idea of “neighborhood” under our belts, this module focuses on neighborhood change. This is something we’ve all probably experienced — we’ve seen once grand neighborhoods fall into disrepair. We’ve seen modest neighborhoods redeveloped. The lack of change can also be notable — neighborhoods that seem to remain the same through time. Maybe you’ve moved away from your childhood neighborhood and later returned — what did you notice?  I’ve done this myself and been in the car with my parents have done the same.  Or, maybe you’re still in that same neighborhood and noticed change going on around you. Or not.

This module is all about that process of neighborhood change.


You’re going to read the Neighborhood Change entry in the Encyclopedia of Human Geography. We’ll talk about other models of neighborhood change in lecture, but this is a good reading to get you started.


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UST 290 Urban Geography by Brian Mikelbank is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.