Spatial Development: Theory, Process, and Challenges

8 The process of urban development


The previous module lead you through a few theories of development. Some more applied, some more abstract. This module shifts to the process of development: what does development look like “on the ground”?


Your first reading focuses on the “who” of development. For urban development to happen, who are the necessary players? This is covered in “The Structures of Building Provision,” a part of Chapter 8 (The Urban Development Process) in Urbanization: An Introduction to Urban Geography. The reading is available via CSU’s Electronic Course Reserve. .

The second readings both come from the Development chapter in Urban Literacy: Learning to Read the City Around You. Please scroll down the the section labeled “The Process of Redevelopment”. This section is important because in cities that have been fully developed once (like Cleveland) development is actually redevelopment. Also read the following section on “Alterative Forms of Urban Development.” It focuses on community development and community organizing, two very important parts of the development process in general, but especially here in Cleveland.


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UST 290 Urban Geography by Brian Mikelbank is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.