Book Title: Veterinary Social Work
Book Description: This resource is intended to be a resource for students pursuing Veterinary Social Work coursework. As there is an abundance of literature available online and in print, this resource brings together the seminal, foundational, and important reads for students. The guide is divided into modules based on the four modules of Veterinary Social Work: 1. Animal Assisted Interventions; 2. The Link Between interpersonal violence and animal abuse; 3. Pet related grief and bereavement; and 4. Intentional Well-being. There are additional sections for reading that do not "fit" into a single area. The readings are not in a particular order - readers are encouraged to search by tags and read as their interests (and coursework) direct. As always, there is always more to read - this is not an exhaustive compendium, merely a place to get stated!
Book Information
Veterinary Social Work by Aviva Vincent, Ph.D., LSW is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
Society & Social Sciences