Module 4: The Power of Place
Shelley E. Rose
Key Questions
- How does place affect perception of local or familiar spaces?
- What is the relationship between political boundaries and cultural geography?
Class 1: Australia and Oceania
Reading: Open Geography Education, Introduction to Human Geography, “Environmental Geography” (READ sections 8.0-8.4)
Module 4 | Lab 1 Australia and Oceania
- Browse the site, finding 10 locations of interest (for example, tourist attractions, natural resources, famous buildings or neighborhoods) in Sydney, Australia.
- Find a common theme among your 10 locations. Create a geography-based listicle about the city of Sydney. The topic may be anything, as long as you center it on a geographic topic we have covered in class. Make this clear in your listicle introduction. Share your listicle with the class and submit according to your instructor’s instructions. For information on writing a listicle see:
Useful Links
Here are some links that maybe helpful in getting you started: The first gives some background information about what a listicle is (it is also itself an example of a listicle) and the second and third are examples of different listicles to give a general idea of what you will create.
Class 2: Cultural Geography
Reading: Open Geography Education, “Cultural Patterns and Processes” (READ 3.0-3.5)
Module 4 | Lab 2 Subsaharan Africa
Open Geography Education, “Subsaharan Africa”
Complete the following sections of this lab:
Quiz Materials
Class 3: Borders and Boundaries
Reading: Finlayson, “North Africa & Southwest Asia” World Regional Geography Optional:Open Geography Education, “Political Borders, Boundaries, and Governments” (READ 4.0-4.5)
Module 4 | Lab 3 Southwest Asia and North Africa
- In a Google Chrome (follow the link if you need to download Chrome) Browser window, go to Click on “Launch Earth in Chrome.”
- Once in GE for Chrome, click on
to open your settings.
- Choose “Map Style” and set your map to either “Exploration” or “Everything” to activate labels and borders.
- Return to the homepage and click on the voyager icon
in the left side menu.
- In the new window, choose “Travel.” In this window, locate and open the “Explore Istanbul” layer.
Question 1: In the “Explore Istanbul layer” click on “Byzantine Constantinople.” Locate the Hagia Sophia Museum and click on the plane icon . Explore the building inside and out. What was the original purpose of this space?
Question 2: How has the use of the Hagia Sophia changed over time?
In GE for Chrome, click on the voyager icon
in the left side menu. In the new window, choose “Education.” Open the “Modern Human Migration” layer. Locate the pin for the “Syrian Migrant Crisis.”
Question 3: How many Syrians have fled the country due to civil war and extremist groups since 2011?
Question 4: How many are known as “Internally Displaced People?” What does this term mean?
Question 5: What does it mean when a person is “stateless?” How does this status affect their everyday life?
Explore the library guide “Overview- Arab Uprisings” from the American University at Beirut. Use the resources there to answer questions 6-8
Question 6: What event is accepted as the start of the protest movements known as the Arab Spring?
Question 7: What was the estimated death toll in Egypt?
OPTIONAL in Google Earth Pro, go to “Tahrir Square” in Cairo, Egypt.
Question 8: Activate the 360Cities layer in the Gallery submenu. Scroll the mouse over “Tahrir View 25 11” and look at the info box. Click on the link for photographer Rahim Hamada and follow the link to his 360Cities page. What do you see in the most prominent photos on his page? Click on the thumbnail for Tahrir View 25 11.” Describe the crowd. What are people doing in the photo?
Look at the square and describe its geographic location in the city of Cairo. Why do you think protesters chose this location to stage their protest rallies during the Arab Spring?
Quiz Materials