
“Just ten years after my entrance into the business as an office boy I became a bidder for a street railway grant in Cleveland.”

Taken during early history of company when Mr. Johnson was connected with it

Town of Moxham, Seventeenth Ward of Johnstown, Pa.

“Protected now by special grants in the highway, by the tariff and by land monopoly my training as a monopolist had gone far.”

Two Republican councilmen who early identified themselves with the administration

“An expert on the valuation of public service corporations, and the only such expert on the people’s side.”

“He got results and on these results he built what has come to be known as the Golden Rule policy.”

“If service of a higher order on humanitarian lines has ever been rendered to any city than that rendered by Mr. Cooley to Cleveland I have yet to hear of it.”

“It had taken two and a half years to get the grant for that car to run to the Square and nearly four and a half years . . . for it to wade its way through injunctions to that point.”