Book Title: Community Development in a Legacy City

Subtitle: The Cleveland Lab 1985 - 2010

Author: Eric Hoddersen

Cover image for Community Development in a Legacy City

Book Description: This retrospective describes and assesses Cleveland’s approach as a legacy city to neighborhood revitalization from the early 1980s to the subprime mortgage foreclosure crisis of 2008 and its immediate aftermath. 

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Book Information

Book Description

This retrospective will describe and assess Cleveland’s approach as a legacy city to neighborhood revitalization from the early 1980s to the subprime mortgage foreclosure crisis of 2008 and its immediate aftermath.  The preconditions, strategy, leadership, staff, financing, program design and outcomes will be viewed through the lens of a public-private partnership to develop affordable housing and inclusive neighborhood place-making. Central to this effort was creating a system to support grass roots community development corporations and their revitalization efforts.

This is a participant observer view with all the strengths and weaknesses, not an academic study. The author was for 20 years the CEO of Neighborhood Progress Inc. a nationally recognized Foundation intermediary that was integral to the system described. The last two chapters assess the achievements and limitations of that system and conclude with the author’s suggestions for moving forward.


Eric Hoddersen



Urban communities


Community Development in a Legacy City
Eric Hoddersen
Primary Subject
Urban communities
Additional Subject(s)
Local history
MSL Academic Endeavors, Imprint of the Cleveland State University Michael Schwartz Library
Publication Date
May 2, 2023
Ebook ISBN