Chapter 10: Sources and Research

Evaluating and Understanding Types of Sources Exercises

In this chapter, you have the opportunity to practice your source evaluation skills and showcase your understanding of different types of sources. You may be asked to complete these activities in class, small groups, and/or as homework. Please use these exercises to help you develop and revise your work.

Evaluating Statements

Use the definitions below to help you determine whether the statement is objective, subjective, fact, or opinion.

  • An objective statement avoids (or tries to) bias and attempts to simply report or summarize another position, idea, argument, etc. According to the Ohio Dominican University Library, objectivity is “representing real, objective truth despite your opinion. Being objective means “not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts,” as stated in the Oxford English Dictionary. Objectivity can also include a lack of bias or influence from other individuals or groups, from whom a writer could receive compensation or other forms of approval for writing with a particular opinion or viewpoint. Definition retrieved from”
  • A subjective statement is, according to Google’s OxfordLanguages dictionary, “the quality of being based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions.” A subjective statement most likely relies on a person’s personal beliefs, assumptions, and/or opinions. 
  • A fact is “a thing that is known or proved to be true” (Oxford Languages) and has scientific evidence to support it and can be verified in multiple places. 
  • An opinion is “a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge” (Oxford Languages) and cannot be verified in multiple places. It also may use value judgment words such as “best” or “most” (Palm State Beach University). 


Determining the Type of Source 

Use Section 10.1 to help you determine whether each source/text is primary, secondary, or tertiary.


Determining the Credibility of a Source

Review each publication title and use sections in this chapter (and Google!) to help you determine whether it is popular, professional, or scholarly.