Location Biography Project
Project Schedule
Week 2: Choose topic, launch website
Week 6: Outline due
Presentations and Projects due as assigned
Project Rubric: http://goo.gl/r2Ogpa
This project centers on three core concepts in geography: space (a location on the Earth’s surface), place (form of bounded space- gives space meaning), and environment (what is the context of the location? how have humans changed or adapted the physical space of the location?)
- Choose a location in consultation with the instructor.
- Evaluate the geography of that location over time based on the concepts of place and space – in effect creating a “biography” of that location.
- Consider the following: Does this space have specific place meaning? Is that meaning the same for all people who use or interact with the space? Has the space been repurposed? Is it structurally the same?
- Evaluate the relationship between humans and this location. In what ways has the space changed over your timeframe and why?
Expectations and Due Dates
You will choose a location and specific timespan to evaluate. Turn in a thesis statement, outline of your project and a Chicago Style bibliography in class during Week 5. Between Week 5 and your assigned presentation date will determine the best digital format for your location, you may create a website for your location or consult the instructor about an alternative format. See the instructions for creating a location biography website in this chapter.
Each student will present their work to the class in a 5-10 minute presentation that is a recorded tour of your website. You may use Panopto on Blackboard to submit your assignment. For non-CSU students, there are also free apps for recording such as Screencastify for Chrome Browsers https://www.screencastify.com/, Open Broadcaster Software https://obsproject.com/, or for some Macs visit https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT208721. If you are unable to record audio, consider using a tool like Windows Steps Recorder https://www.wikihow.com/Use-the-Steps-Recorder-in-Windows and adding text narration.
Research Tips
- View this video on Location, Space, and Place.
- Check the historical imagery on Google Earth
- For Greater Cleveland locations check The Cleveland Memory Project and contact CSU’s Special Collections department.
- For global locations check Old Maps Online or the Rumsey Historical Map Collection.
- Also check out the Cleveland Public Library Digital Collections.
- Visit our CSU Research Guide for information on primary, secondary, and tertiary sources.
- See this list of digital GIS projects for potential sources: http://anterotesis.com/wordpress/mapping-resources/dh-gis-projects/
Peer Review
Each student will participate in peer review of the location biography projects and presentations. You are expected to incorporate peer review feedback into your final project. Read this chapter for guidelines on effective peer review. https://pressbooks.ulib.csuohio.edu/csu-fyw-rhetoric/chapter/peer-review-offer-perspectives-not-directives/
Projects will be graded on your ability to follow the directions above as well as formatting, organization, creativity and your understanding of the geographic concepts of place, space and location.
Reflection (for students taking this course starting Fall 2025)
Each student will reflect on the experience of creating their location biography in their oral presentation. Be sure to discuss how your location biography helped you develop critical thinking, collaboration, and information literacy skills.
Past Projects
For examples of past location biography projects follow these links:
EngagedScholarship @ CSU: https://engagedscholarship.csuohio.edu/locbio/
Ken Kesey’s Farm: https://sites.google.com/view/keseyfarmspace/home
Saint Peter’s Basilica: https://sites.google.com/view/jester-saintpetersbasilica/home?authuser=0
Lakeview Estates: https://sites.google.com/view/tinker-phelps-lakeview-terrace/home?authuser=0
Gyros & More: https://sites.google.com/view/gyrosmorelorainohio/home