I am asked by so many people: TO WHAT DO I ATTRIBUTE MY LONG AND ACTIVE LIFE. I will be 94 on my next birthday. I usually answer, facetiously, “Pick the right grandparents! Stay thin and eat little or no salt, as it hardens the arteries. Doctors advise a drink before dinner as beneficial to older people. Exercise, keep busy helping others and lead an, interesting life. Enjoy hobbies.”
Seriously, I believe my perfect wife, Mildred and my son, Calhoun are responsible for my well-being. They have brought me only happiness. Their kindness and consideration creates contentment and peace of mind for me.
Love is a healing benediction and the power of love is limitless. My faith in my wife and son and my faith in God sustain me.
I never go to sleep at night without first saying my prayers, to express thankfulness for my many blessings.
Warren Corning Wick
May, 1979