About the Author

Peter John Almond was born in Northampton, England, in January, 1946, and raised in a Royal Air Force family which moved frequently. Formal schooling ended at Woolverstone Hall School, Ipswich, in 1964 when he began four years journalist training at the Northern Echo and Yorkshire Evening Press, York. In December 1969 he married Anna Collinson, a nurse, in York before they emigrated to Cleveland the next month. At the Cleveland Press Peter was a general, Education, Labor and Investigative reporter. His journalism awards included a Nieman Fellowship in Journalism to Harvard in 1980/81. Peter and Anna adopted two Cleveland-born boys, Nicholas and Jeffrey, and in 1982 moved to Washington D.C. where Peter became State Dept. writer for the Washington Times.
For four years he was Europe/Middle East writer based in London, covering the Cold War, the Thatcher years and Beirut. Peter, with family, returned to D.C. in 1987 to be Pentagon writer for the paper. In 1990 he returned to London as Defence Correspondent for the Daily Telegraph, leaving in 1995 to freelance for UK and U.S. publications, and retired in 2010. He has flown in a dozen combat aircraft and written two books: Aviation: The Early Years (Konemann), and Century of Flight (WH Smith/Barnes and Noble (US), both for the Hulton Getty Picture Archive. For fun he walks, cycles, plays golf, has run three marathons, was an Extra in five movies and, for charity, walked the length of mainland Britain (1,250 miles), led by the family Springer, Henry. Peter and Anna are nuts on dogs. As of 2022 they were still married.
To contact the author with questions or comments, please email him at petera36@btinternet.com.