
“With no Past, the Present is formless.”
— Chinese Proverb

The majestic mountains, the pageant-like valleys, the picturesque villages and the stouthearted men and women of Romania are the roots on which Romanian immigrants in the United States built their future.

Like all other newcomers to this country, the Romanians, too, have found here a new spiritual strength, a new conception of freedom and limitless possibilities for advancement. They are happy and proud that they could give of their physical strength and of their intellect to help make the United States the powerful country it is today.

In the Old Country many Romanians were deprived of liberty and they are, naturally, happy to see their American-born children grow up in the spirit of free America. The Romanian immigrants are happy that their children are able to take their place in the economic, political and cultural life of this land.

Hopefully, the present monograph will foster better understanding of our Romanian neighbors. While this book is not as exhaustive as it could be, nevertheless it will serve as a concise guide to the Romanians’ beginnings, hardships and progress in the United States.

Theodore Andrica


Romanian Americans and Their Communities of Cleveland Copyright © by Cleveland State University . All Rights Reserved.

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