Inclusive Teaching

Bibliography: Book Recommendations

Sarah Lacy

Inclusive Teaching Annotated Bibliography: Additional Readings for Consideration

Baker-Bell, A. (2020). Linguistic justice: Black language, literacy, identity, and pedagogy.


In this book, Baker-Bell focuses on the issue of linguistic justice, which is a key component in the discussion of inclusive teaching. Baker-Bell takes a practical as well as a theoretical approach to the discussion of literacy development and the needs, both in the classroom and out, of Black students in light of white language supremacy. Baker-Bell offers a new approach to teaching through the introduction of Antiracist Black Language Pedagogy, which puts the focus on the varying linguistic needs of Black students. This pedagogy also grows from the foundational understanding that “people’s language experiences are not separate from their racial experiences” (p. 2), and this includes their literacy journal. As Baker-Bell says, when you decide to enact linguistic justice as part of your pedagogy, “You have to be ready for the messiness that comes with the process” (p. 100). To help teachers embrace this “messiness,” she offer example class activities, assignments, as well as reflective practices for instructors to check in with their own privileges, in order to become more open and honest about their ability to be wholly inclusive in their classrooms. With these thoughts in mind, Baker-Bell’s Linguistic

Justice provides instructors a way forward to ensure that inclusion is an active part of their own pedagogical growth.

Brookfield, S. D. (2017). Becoming a critically reflective teacher. John Wiley & Sons.

Drawing from over 45 years of teaching experience, Brookfield’s book takes a practical, self-reflective approach aimed to provide instructors a tool box that asks them to perform various self-critiques as they develop their pedagogy. The second addition revises the materials to meet both face to face and online. A unique aspect of Brookfield’s approach to inclusive teaching is that he offers ways for instructors to be reflective of their own pedagogies and class development, by adapting four different “lenses,” including that of their students. These various lenses encouraging teachers to continually remain reflective on their teaching practices semester to semester, understanding that pedagogy is not developed by one person but in fact we are developing and changing our teaching daily, any time we interact with colleagues, students, and our theoretical literature. Brookfield encourages his readers to remain cognizant of their developing pedagogies by “checking in with yourself” on a regular basis.

hooks, b. (1994). Teaching to transgress. Routledge.


Acclaimed feminist and pedagogical scholar, bell hooks has compiled a collection of essays and interviews which put the focus on transforming a multicultural classroom into an inclusive space which emphasizes a form of learning “freedom” for all students. According to hooks, this freedom is essential for students to feel comfortable within the space of their classroom, and it is within this comfort that real learning is able to transpire. Within these readings, hooks elaborates on the different pedagogical

movements up to the time of publishing, and though this book is now quite dated, it does stand as a testament to the longevity of pedagogical discussions.

Selected Articles for Teachers Who Wish to Learn More about Inclusive Teaching

The following list of articles each discuss and document issues of inclusion in the classroom across disciplines, by exploring specific pedagogical implications and focusing research on inclusion. In my own research on inclusive teaching practices, these are the article that have provided me with extensive lessons and assignment ideas. These articles supply a great starting point for any instructor wishing to learn more about the impetus for researching and integrating an inclusive mindset into the college classroom.

Amayo, J., Heron, S., Spell, N., & Gooding, H. (2021). Twelve tips for inclusive teaching. MedEdPublish, 10(81), 81.

Baglieri, S., & Knopf, J. H. (2004). Normalizing difference in inclusive teaching. Journal of learning disabilities, 37(6), 525-529.

Booth, T. (2011). The name of the rose: Inclusive values into action in teacher education. Prospects, 41, 303-318.

Bovshik, A. S., & Gaivoronskaya, S. O. (2022). Storytelling in the Inclusive L2 Classroom. The Russian Journal of Cultural Studies and Communication, 1(1-2), 94-107.

Carrington, S., Mercer, K. L., Iyer, R., & Selva, G. (2015). The impact of transformative learning in a critical service-learning program on teacher development: Building a foundation for inclusive teaching. Reflective Practice, 16(1), 61-72.

Cash, C. M., Cox, T. D., & Hahs-Vaughn, D. L. (2021). Distance educators attitudes and actions towards inclusive teaching practices. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 21(2), 15-42.

Dogucu, M., Johnson, A. A., & Ott, M. (2023). Framework for Accessible and Inclusive Teaching Materials for Statistics and Data Science Courses. Journal of Statistics and Data Science Education, (just-accepted), 1-17.

Domingo-Martos, L., Domingo-Segovia, J., & Pérez-García, P. (2022). Broadening the view of inclusion from a social justice perspective. A scoping review of the literature. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 1-23.

Florian, L., & Camedda, D. (2020). Enhancing teacher education for inclusion. European Journal of Teacher Education, 43(1), 4-8.

Fox, A. M. (2010). How to Crip the Undergraduate Classroom: Lessons from Performance,

Pedagogy, and Possibility. Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability, 23(1), 38-


Germain-Rutherford, A., & Barbara, K. E. R. R. (2008). An inclusive approach to online

learning environments: Models and resources. Turkish online journal of distance education, 9(2), 64-85.

Goering, A. E., Resnick, C. E., Bradford, K. D., & Othus‐Gault, S. M. (2022). Diversity by

design: Broadening participation through inclusive teaching. New Directions for Community Colleges, 2022(199), 77-91.

Harris, B. N., McCarthy, P. C., Wright, A. M., Schutz, H., Boersma, K. S., Shepherd, S. L., … &

Ellington, R. M. (2020). From panic to pedagogy: Using online active learning to promote inclusive instruction in ecology and evolutionary biology courses and beyond. Ecology and evolution, 10(22), 12581-12612.

Minott, M. (2019). Reflective teaching, inclusive teaching and the teacher’s tasks in the inclusive

classroom: A literary investigation. British Journal of Special Education, 46(2), 226-238.

Naraian, S., & Schlessinger, S. (2018). Becoming an inclusive educator: Agentive maneuverings

in collaboratively taught classrooms. Teaching and Teacher Education, 71, 179-189.

Subocz, S., Chumley, H., Banerjee, S., & Cano-Wolfbrandt, M. (2022). Sustainable Strategic

Planning for Inclusive Online Teaching and Learning. In Advancing DEI and Creating Inclusive Environments in the Online Space, 225-247.

Woodcock, S., & Woolfson, L. M. (2019). Are leaders leading the way with inclusion? Teachers’ perceptions of systemic support and barriers towards inclusion. International Journal of Educational Research, 93, 232-242.


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