Inclusive Teaching

Graphic with multi-colored peg people and chat bubbles above their heads. Text reads "Inclusive Teaching" and "Facilitator: Liz Lehfeldt"

This Faculty Learning Community (FLC) met during the Spring 2023 semester at Cleveland State University.

FLC Description and Call for Participants

 Join the CFE and experienced inclusive teaching and pedagogy facilitator Dr. Liz Lehfeldt for a Faculty Learning Community (FLC) exploring what inclusive teaching looks like at CSU. This community will discuss how implicit bias, privilege, and power shape the learning environments and experiences of students in our classrooms. Participants will develop a toolkit for CSU instructors to promote equity and inclusion in their classrooms. In a recent Teaching Higher Ed podcast episode Dr. Viji Sathy argues “Our work in inclusive teaching is a journey; there is no final destination.” This community will work in that spirit, offering insight and guidance while recognizing that inclusive teaching is a process. Each participant will receive a copy of Inclusive Teaching by Kelly Hogan and Viji Sathy to ground discussions. This FLC is open to 10 participants; participant stipends are available.  



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