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1535-Jaques Cartier, a Frenchman, ascended the St. Lawrence as far as Hochalega, a Wyandot village near Montreal. An attempt to found a colony on the river, five years afterwards, entirely failed and its history is lost.

1539-The Iroquois Confederacy formed.

1603-Monsieur Samuel Champlain landed at Quebec, and in 1608 made a permanent settlement there, the same year of the establishment at Jamestown, Virginia.

1615-Champlain and LeCaron explore Lake Huron, by them called “Mer Douce.”

1635-The Jesuit Missionaries reached the Sault St. Mary.

1647-Monsieur De Longueville reported to have been at the rapids of Fox river, Wisconsin.

1654-Onondaga Salt Springs discovered by Father Simon Le Moine

1659-Two French traders winter on Lake Superior.

1660-The Abbe Mesnard establishes missions at Kewenaw Bay, (St. Theresa,) and at LaPointe, (Chegoimegon.)

1661-Mesnard perished in the woods near Portage Lake, on Lake Superior.

1668-Dablon and Marquette founded a mission at the Sault St. Mary.

1671-Marquette establishes a mission at St. Ignace, on the main land, west of Mackinaw.

1673-Marquette reaches the Mississippi, by way of the Fox river.

1679-La Salle builds the schooner “Griffin” at Cayuga creek, near Tonawanda, and sets sail August 7th, for Green Bay.

1681-La Salle and Tonti are at Mackinaw “Old Fort,” on the main land, south of the Straits.

1682-La Salle discovers the mouth of the Mississippi river, April 7th.

1686-A fort built by the French at the outlet of Lake Huron, now Fort Gratiot.

1690-The French and the Iroquois, after three quarters of a century of war, conclude a peace, and the French occupy Lake Erie.

1701-Fort Pontchartrain built at Detroit.

1712-The Tucarowas, or Tuscororas, from North Carolina, became a part of the Iroquois Confederacy, from that time known as the “Six Nations.”

1726-The “Six Nations” for the third time, put their lands on the shores of Lake Erie, under the protection of the English. This treaty embraces a tract sixty miles wide from the Cuyahoga to Oswego.

1744-The “Six Nations,” at Lancaster, Pennsylvania, deed all their lands within the Colony of Virginia, to the King of England.

1749-The French take formal possession of the country, on the waters of the Ohio.

1753-They erect Forts at Presque Iksle, (Erie) Pa., Le Beuf,(Waterford) and Venango (Franklin.)

1755-The French propose to the English to retire east of the Allegheny mountains, and themselves to remain west of the Ohio.

1760-Canada conquered by the English. Their posts on this Lake, taken possession of in the fall by Major Rogers.

1763-First general conspiracy of the north-western Indians, under Pontiac, Ponteack, or Pondeach.

1764-The expeditions of Cols. Bradstreet and Boquer, against the Ohio Indians.

1765-The Ohio country made part of Canada by act of Parliament.

1766-Jonathan Carver explores the upper Lakes and upper Mississippi.

1768-Treaty of Fort Stanwix, (Rome, N.Y.) in which the British covenant with the Indians not to pass the Ohio.

1770-Moravian Missions founded on the Big Beaver River, not far below New Castle.

1776-British traders at Cuyahoga.

1777-The British and Indians hold a conference at Oswego, New York.

1778-Fort Laurens built by Congress on the Tuscarora River, near Bolivar, two miles below where Fredrick Post established a mission in 1761.

1782-The British establish a Fort at Sandusky, Ohio.

1784-England refuses to deliver up the western posts.

1786-Blankets and other goods obtained at Cuyahoga, from British traders, for our troops at Pittsburgh; and flour delivered here for the British.

The Moravians establish a mission at the mouth of Tinker’s Creek, in Cuyahoga County. Soon after, a British vessel is wrecked within the present city of Cleveland.


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