Main Body
1810 – 1812
“George Wallace bought out Amos Spafford, who lived and kept tavern on the Merwin lot, where the old ‘Mansion House’ recently stood, at the corner of Vineyard lane, and Superior street. Alfred Kelley, the first lawyer, and David Long, first doctor of the place, came here this year, both becoming useful and honorable members of their respective professions.
“Lorenzo Carter built the schooner ‘Zephyr’ of thirty tons, which was commanded by captain Stow.
It was built on Superior lane, and launched at the foot of the street on the river. This was the first craft of vessel proportions built within the city. Elias and Harvey Murray, who were the first regular merchants, opened a store near Williamsons on Water street.”-[Barr.]
The organization of the county was perfected on the 1st of May, and the machinery of a county court put in motion, on the 5th of June. On that day the Court of Common Pleas held its first session, which was in the store of Elias and Harvey Murray, and of which, in 1855, the following notice appeared in a city paper:
“The old house lately torn down, which stood next to the Forest City Block on Superior street, was the oldest frame building in Cleveland. It was built in 1810 by Harvey and Elias Murray, and by them occupied as a store until the surrender of Hull, at Detroit in 1812; many sick and wounded soldiers being brought to this place, this store was converted into a hospital and so used as occasion demanded during the war of 1812-14. Since that time it has been used as a store, hotel, bakery, dwelling house mechanics shop and other uses until now, it has gone, with other relics of Cleveland’s early years.”
Presiding Judge – Benjamin Ruggles
Associate Judges – Nathan Perry, Sen., Augustus Gilbert, Timothy Doan.
Clerk – John Walworth
Sheriff – Smith S. Baldwin.
The grand jury found a bill for petit larceny, and several against persons for selling whisky to Indians, or selling foreign goods without license.
Cleveland was now for the first time in full possession of civil tribunals, civil law and order. Since the organization of Geauga county in 1806, their county seat at Chardon, was nearly as inaccessible as all the previous ones had been, but now, after fourteen years, the administration of justice became a fixed and local institution. The “respectable characters” referred to by Mr. Griswold, began to make their appearance.
The year 1811 was barren of local incidents. During this year, the valley of the Mississippi was shaken by earthquakes, which extended to the shores of lake Erie, with diminished force. With these tremblings of the earth, there were ominous events transpiring in the Indian wigwams, along the frontier. The British government had never relinquished the hope of regaining the lost colonies. It had kept possession of the lake country, fourteen years after our independence was an admitted fact, in the expectation that the Indians would extirpate the western settlements. With British encouragement they had again become aroused, and were preparing to commence another frontier war; when the United States, preferring an open enemy to a secret one, declared war against Great Britain.
I do not propose to go into the details of what followed from 1812 to 1815. Cleveland became an important military station. A small stockade was built on the lake shore near the foot Seneca street, called “Fort Huntington,” after the recent governor, who acted as district paymaster during the war. It was commanded by Major Jessup of the U.S. Army, but used more as a place of imprisonment for soldiers under arrest, than for the defence of the post.
Cleveland was the rendezvous of the country militia, who entered the service as a body, following the example of their revolutionary fathers, leaving their homes and farms; to the care of the old men, women and children. Many good precepts are wasted and lost, a good example never. The patriotic conduct of the soldiers of 1812, was not forgotten by their sons our times when they were called upon to take arms, against the internal foes of the nation.
Much of what transpired during the war will be found in the statement of persons who witnessed those events, and which are here presented.

This is a reduced copy of Amos Spafford’s map of 1801, copied by the late Alfred Kelley, Esq. It was informally put upon record, and has been used more than any other map to determine the original streets and lots. Mr. Kelley put on all the buildings in existence in 1814, which are indicated in black. I have added the harbor and the various shore lines, together with buildings of an earlier date than the record of this map. The different positions of the shore lines are shown by the dates of the surveys, thus, 1796, 1801, 1827, 1831, 1842, &c.
n-Buildings in 1814
o-Buildings of an earlier date.
a-Fort Huntington, 1813
b-Trading house of 1786
c-CARTERS first cabin, 1797
d-JOB P. STILES’ first cabin, 1796
e-Surveyors cabin on the hill, 1797
g-Cemetery lot, 1797
h-Jail and Court House, 1812
i-KINGSBURY’S first cabin, 1797
k-CARTER’S house on the hill, 1803.
The reputed copy of Spafford’s map differs from the one heretofore given, and from the Pease map in some particulars, but has a general identity.
Maiden street, which is upon the Holley and Pease plat, is omitted from this and Superior lane is added. Miami street is merged in Ohio, which here covers both, making a right angle in its course. Soon after the village corporation came into existence, in the year 1816, Euclid street was laid out, from the square to its intersection with Huron, the Euclid road having been surveyed in 1797, through the ten acre lots. Bond, Wood and St. Clair streets, were laid out at the same time, also a street around the public square.
“O’Mic was a fine looking young Indian, about twenty-one, and was hung upon the Public Square in this city, in the north-west corner, near where the old Court House and jail were then being erected. He was convicted of the murder of two trappers, Buel and Gibbs, while they were asleep, in the night, near Sandusky city, for their traps and furs. Two other Indians, one older, the other a boy of fifteen were concerned with him, the older being taken near Carrying river, in the Maumee swamp, seized a musket from one of the party who arrested him, and putting the muzzle under his chin, pulled the trigger with his foot and shot himself dead. The boy was considered as forced into participation by the others and was suffered to escape, and lived to be the ring leader of two others, in the murder of John Wood and George Bishop, west of Carrying river in 1816, for which they were all executed in Huron county. The family of the murdered John Wood, are now, (1814) resident in this city. The skeleton of O’Mic is in possession of Dr. Isaac Town, of Hudson, Portage county.
“One of the first nurseries of apple trees in this vicinity was from seeds saved by me and my brother, Timothy, Jr., from a basket of apples brought from Detroit; which we bought at two dollars. Some of the finest orchards in Euclid, and the neighboring townships have their origin from these seeds.”
I was present at the execution, and as distinctly recollect the facts I shall narrate, as I did the night of the day they occurred. I was not at the trial, but understood that Peter Hitchcock was assigned as counsel for the accused. The custody of the prisoner was assigned to Lorenzo Carter (there being no jail) because he had more influence over the Indians than any other man in the west, or at least in Cuyahoga county. Mr. Carter’s house was on the high ground near the bank, to the right of the road that descended the hill to the ferry across the river, and to the left of the street that leads to where the Light House now stands. The prisoner was confined in a chamber of Mr. Carter’s house. Strong irons were above his ancles, with which was connected a staple that was driven into a joist that supported the floor, so that the prisoner could not go to any window. Probably I should have said with more accuracy, that a chain was attached to the fetters, and a staple was attached to the other end, which was driven into the joist, &c. After his conviction, O’Mic told Mr. Carter and Sheriff Baldwin, (who was from Danbury,) that he would let the pale faces see how an Indian could die; that they need not tie his arms, but when the time came he would jump off from the gallows.
Before Mr. Carter’s house, in the direction of Superior street, was an open space somewhat extensive, and covered with grass. The religious exercises were held here. Several clergymen were present, and I think the sermon was delivered by the Rev. MR. Darrow, of Vienna, Trumbull county. The military were commanded by Major Jones, a fine looking officer in full uniform, but he was in the condition that Captain McGuffy, of Coitsville, said he was when he was commanded to perform an evolution by his company and could not do it. His explanation was, “I know Baron Steuben perfectly well, but I cannot commit him to practice.”
O’Mic sat on his coffin in a wagon painted for the occasion. He was a fine looking young Indian, and watched everything that occurred with much anxiety. The gallows were erected on the Public Square in front of where the old Court House was erected. After the religious services were over, Major Jones endeavored to form a hollow square, so that the prisoner should be guarded on all sides. He rode backwards and forwards with drawn sword, epaulets, and scabbard flying, but he did not know what order to give. The wagon with O’Mic moved ahead and stopped; but as the Sheriff doubted whether he was to be aided by the military, he proceeded onward. Major Jones finally took the suggestion of some one, who told him to ride to the head of the line, and double it round until the front and rear of the line met. Arriving at the gallows, Mr. Carter, the Sheriff and O’Mic ascended to the platform by a ladder. The arms of the prisoner were loosely pinioned. A rope was around his neck with a loop in the end. Another was let down through a hole in the top piece, on which was a hook to attach to the rope around the neck. The rope with the hook was brought over to one of the posts, and fastened to it near the ground.
After some little time Mr. Carter came down, leaving O’Mic and Sheriff Baldwin on the platform. As the Sheriff drew down the cap, O’Mic was the most terrified being, rational or irrational, I ever saw, and seizing the cap with his right hand, which he could reach by bending his head and inclining his neck in that direction, he stepped to one of the posts and put his arm around it. The Sheriff approached him to loose his hold, and for a moment it was doubtful whether O’Mic would not throw him to the ground. Mr. Carter ascended to the platform and a negotiation in regular diplomatic style was had. It was in the native tongue, as I understood at the time. Mr. Carter appealed to O’Mic to display his courage, narrating what he had said about showing pale faces how an Indian could die, but it had no effect. Finally O’Mic made a proposition, that if Mr. Carter would gave him half a pint of whisky he would consent to die. The whisky was soon on hand, in a large glass tumbler, real old Monongahela, for which an old settler would almost be willing to be hung, if he could now obtain the like. The glass was given to O’Mic and he drank the whisky, in as little time as he could have turned it out of the glass. MR. Carter again came down, and the Sheriff again drew down the cap and the same scene was re-enacted, O’Mic expressing the same terror. Mr. Carter again ascended to the platform, and O’Mic gave him the honor of an Indian, in pledge that he would not longer resist the sentence of the court. if he should have another hale pint of whisky. Mr. Carter, representing the people of Ohio and the dignity of the laws, thought the terms were reasonable, and the whisky was forthcoming on short order. The tumbler was not given to O’Mic, but it was held to his mouth, and as he sucked the whisky out, Sheriff Baldwin drew the rope that pinioned his arms more tight, and the rope was drawn down to prevent the prisoner from going to the post, and to prevent him from pulling off his cap. The platform was immediately cleared of all but O’Mic, who run the ends of his fingers on his right hand, between the rope and his neck. The rope that held up one end of the platform was cut, and the body swung in a straight line towards the lake, as far as the rope permitted and returned, and after swinging forth and backward several times, and the weight being about to be suspended perpendicular under the center of the top of the gallows, the body turned in a circle and finally rested still.
At that time a terrific storm appeared and came up from the north north-west with great rapidity, to avoid which, and it being doubtful whether the neck was broken, and to accomplish so necessary part of a hangiang, the rope was drawn down with the design of raising the body, so that, by a sudden relaxing of the rope, the body would fall several feet, and thereby dislocate the neck beyond any doubt, but when the body fell, the rope broke as readily as a tow string and fell upon the ground. The coffin and grave were near the gallows and the body was picked up, put into the coffin, and the coffin immediately put into the grave. The storm was heavy and all scampered but O’Mic.
The report was, at the time, that the surgeons at dusk raised the body, and when it lay on the dissecting table, it was easier to restore life than to prevent it.
Elisha Whittlesey.
Another old settler who remembers this execution, has said, that the old flint lock muskets and rifles, which the militia escort under Major Jones carried that day, were so thoroughly wet, by the storm, that the Indians would have had no difficulty in capturing the place, if they had made the attempt.
In 1812 when real dangers began to gather around the settlement, Mr. Kelley states that other officers were elected. The Muster Roll of the Cleveland company, during the war has not yet been recovered.
(AGED 87.)
Columbus, July, 1858.
John Barr, Sec’y Cuyahoga Co., Historical Society:
Sir:-With a trembling hand I will state to the Society, that about the 3d of May, 1813, I received orders from the War Department, to march my company (then at Beavertown, Pennsylvania) to Cleveland, Ohio, to aid in the defence of this frontier and to establish a military post. On the 10th, I, with my company, arrived at Cleveland, and found Major Jessup and two or three companies of militia, called out some months before. I halted my company between Major Carter’s and Wallace’s.
I was here met by Governor Meigs, who gave me a most cordial welcome, as did all the citizens. The Governor took me to a place, where my company could pitch their tents. I found no place of defense, no hospital, and a forest of large timber, (mostly chestnut) between the lake, and the lake road. There was a road that turned off between Mr. Perry’s and Major Carter’s that went to the point, which was the only place that the lake could be seen from the buildings. This little cluster of buildings was all of wood, I think none painted. There were a few houses further back from the lake road. The widow Walworth kept the post office, or Ashbel, her son. Mr. l. Johnson, Judge Kingsbury, Major Carter, N. Perry, Geo. Wallace, and a few others were there. At my arrival I found a number of sick and wounded who were of Hull’s surrender, sent from Detroit, and more coming. These were crowded into a log cabin, and no one to care for them. I sent one or two of my soldiers to take care of them, as they had no friends. I had two or three good carpenters in my company, and set them to work to build a hospital. I very soon got up a good one, thirty by twenty feet, smoothly and tightly covered, and floored with chestnut bark, with two tier or bunks around the walls, with doors and windows, and not a nail, a screw, or iron latch or hinge about the building. Its cost to the Government was a few extra rations. In a short time I had all the bunks well strawed, and the sick and wounded good and clean, to their great joy and comfort, but some had fallen asleep. I next went to work and built a small fort, about fifty yards from the bank of the lake, in the forest. This fort finished, I set the men to felling the timber along and near the bank of the lake, rolling the logs and brush near the brink of the bank, to serve as a breastwork. On the 19th of June, a part of the British fleet appeared off our harbor, with the apparent design to land. When they got within one and a half miles of our harbor it became a perfect calm, and they lay there till after noon, when a most terrible thunder storm came up, and drove them from our coast. We saw them no more as enemies. Their object was to destroy the public or government boats, then built and building, in the Cuyahoga river, and other government stores at that place. About the middle of July General Harrison and suite paid a visit to this station. While here he made his head quarters at Major Carter’s. His staff were, Col. Samuel Huntington, Paymaster of the army, and ex-Governor of this State, and Majors George Tod and Jessup, and one or two more. Col. Wood, who was shortly after killed in battle at Fort Erie was a brave officer. General Harrison during his stay, took great care to scrutinize everything that had been done for its defense. After three days stay the General and suite left Cleveland as he found it, to return to the army, then lying at the mouth of the Maumee river.
After General Harrison left there was nothing worthy of note. One thing I ought to have mentioned, that the General was very kindly received on his arrival at this place and not a few came from different parts of the country to see Wm. H. Harrison, commander-in-chief of the north-western army. Citizens and soldiers were hand in hand. There is a debt of gratitude I owe the then citizens of Cleveland, for their kindness to me and my company officers, the few months we were stationed among them. Some time in July, I was attacked with the fever, and as Doctor Long lived in a small house, about half way from Major Carter’s to the point, near to my camp; I stepped to the Doctor’s, he was not at home, and Mrs. Long seeing me shake, requested me to lie down. I was soon up the stairs stripped of my coat and boots, and fell on the bed. When I awoke and came a little to myself I smelt something very sickening. Turning my face to the wall, my fact partly over the bed, I was struck almost senseless, by an object on the floor between me and the wall, my face partly over it. It was a human skeleton, every bone in its place, the flesh mostly gone. I gazed at these bones till I verily thought I was dead, and that they had buried me by the side of some one that had gone before me. I felt very sick which roused from my legarthy and I found that I was alive, and had been sleeping along-side a dead man. As soon as I recalled where I was, I reached the lower floor in quick-step, giving Mrs. Long a fright, to see me come down in such haste. She very politely apologized for her forgetfulness. The season before, there had been an Indian hung for the murder of a white man, and I had the luck to sleep side by side with his frame, not fully cleaned. I do not remember the death of any citizen while I was encamped with them.
June 14TH, 1866.
I first came to Cleveland in 1804, and stayed at Judge Huntington’s. My father, John Walworth, moved to Cleveland from Painesville in April, 1806; we camp up in an open boat which was wrecked, and my father came near being drowned. He was so weak when he came out of the water that he could barely crawl on his hands and knees. My mother’s name was Julianna Morgan, who was born at Groton, Connecticut, Dec. 31st, 1769, and died in Cleveland, March 2d, 1853. My father died here Sept. 10th, 1812. He was born at Groton, Connecticut, June 10th, 1765.
I remember Ezekiel Hawley, of Cleveland, who removed to Newburg at a very early day. His wife Lucy, was a sister of Lorenzo Carter.
When Judge Walworth came here there were the following families in Cleveland: Judge Huntington, Major Spafford, David Clerk, and Pierre Meloche, a Frenchman.
Abram Hickox came here in 1808. His blacksmith shop was on the north side of Superior street, where the Johnson House is now.
Nathan Perry, senior, who was generally called Major Perry, came to Cleveland in the summer of 1807. His son, Horace Perry, came the next spring, and Nathan Perry, junior, the following fall. Afterwards, Nathan Perry, senior, removed to Black river, and died there, but he was buried at Cleveland. [He died Oct. 28th, 1813, in his fifty-third year.]
Meloche left here, and returned to Detroit about 1808, and Alexander Campbell, the trader, left the place in 1808 or 1809.
Elias and Harvey Murray took Campbell’s store under the hill.
The first Postmaster was Elisha Norton, appointed October 22d, 1805. He afterwards removed to Mantua, in Portage county, and my father took his place. Doctor David Long emigrated from Hebron, New York, in June, 1810, and we were married April 7th, 1811.
Ashbel W. Walworth, my brother, was made deputy Postmaster Sept. 9th, 1809.
When the war broke out, the following families were in Cleveland:
George Wallace Harvey Murray
Samuel Williamson Abram Hikox
Hezekiah King Levi Johnson
Elias Murray David Hickox, who called
himself Henderson
Richard Bailey Maj. Samuel Jones
Amasa Bailey Hiram Hanchett
Also without families:
Mr. Beaver Alfred Kelley
James Root Matthew Williamson
Mr. Stephen King, a brother to Hezekiah King, died here in the winter following. Mr. Beaver returned to Pennsylvania. I knew John O’Mic and his father very well. John was not a bad Indian towards the whites. When we were children at Painesville, we used to play together on the banks of the Grand river, at my father’s old residence, which we called Bloomingdale. This was the place where Governor Huntington lived and died. O’Mics father came to our house, on Water street, a short time before the execution. We were very much afraid of the Indians then. I was alone, and my babe, (Mrs. Severance,) was sleeping in the cradle. He took up a gun which was in the room, in order to show me how Semo killed himself, after he had been arrested. I thought he was going to kill me or my baby, in revenge for his son.
I seized the child and ran up Water street toward Mr. Williamson’s, screaming pretty hard, I suppose. O’Mic followed after me, trying to explain what he meant. Mr. Williamson caught the child, and we all went to Major Carter’s house, which was on the corner of Superior street and Union lane. Major Carter had a short talk with O’Mic, who explained what he meant, and we all had a hearty laugh. O’Mic had lived near Painesville. I was in the crowd on the square when O’Mic was to be hung, and I suddenly thought, “why should I wish to see my old play-fellow die?” I got out the crowd as quickly as possible and went home. All the people from Western Reserve seemed to be there, particularly the doctors. I remembered several of them who stayed at our house. Among them was Dr. Allen, who recently died at Trumbull county, Dr. Coleman, of Ashtabula county, Dr. Johnson, of Conneaut, and Dr. Hawley, of Austintown. When O’Mic was swung off the rope broke, and they were not sure that he was dead, but there was a storm coming on and he was hurried into the grave near the gallows. The Public Square was only partly cleared then, and had many stumps and bushes on it. At night the doctors went for the body, with the tacit consent of the Sheriff. O’Mic was about twenty-one years of age, and was very fat and heavy. Dr. Long did not think one man could carry him, but Dr. Allen, who was very stout, thought he could.
He was put upon Dr. Allen’s back, who soon fell over a stump and O’Mic on the top of him. The doctors dare not laugh aloud, for fear they might be discovered, but some of them were obliged to lie down on the ground and roll around there, before they came to the relief of Dr. Allen.”
On the 3d of July, 1866, the following announcement was made in the public prints of Cleveland: “Died on the 2d inst., at her late residence, 394 Kinsman street, Mrs. Julianna Long. widow of the late Dr. David Long, aged 71 years, 9 months.”
In a letter of the late Hon. Alfred Kelley, speaking of the panic caused by Hull’s surrender, he makes the following statement:
“Information was received at Cleveland, through a scout from Huron, that a large number of British troops and Indians were seen from the shore, in boats, proceeding down the lake, and that they would probably reach Cleveland in the course of the ensuing night. This information spread rapidly through the surrounding settlements. A large proportion of the families in Cleveland, Newburg, (then part of Cleveland,) and Euclid, immediately on the receipt of this news, took such necessary articles of food, clothing and utensils as they could carry, and started for the more populous and less exposed parts of the interior. About thirty men only remained, determined to meet the enemy if they should come, and, if possible, prevent their landing.
They determined at least to do all in their power to allay the panic, and prevent the depopulation of the country.”
“Several ladies of Cleveland, among whom were Mrs. George Wallace, Mrs. John Walworth and Mrs. Dr. Long, resolved not to desert their husbands and friends. When Mrs. Long was told that she could not fight or forcibly oppose the enemy, she replied that she ‘could nurse the sick or wounded-encourage and comfort those who could fight; at any rate she would not, by her example, encourage disgraceful flight.”
John Walworth, though not among the earliest, was one of the most prominent settlers of the Western Reserve. He came from Aurora, New York, near Cayuga lake, to Mentor in 1799, and remaining there through the winter returned to New York in the spring for his family. Walworth was born in the spring for his family. Walworth was born in 1765 at Groton, New London Co., Connecticut. Like most young men who lived near salt water, he spent several years at sea, and visited the South American States. He came to settle at Cayuga Lake in 1792. They reached their new home at Painesville on the 8th of April, 1800. He was small in stature, of very active habits, and had a pleasing countenance. There is in the family a paper-cut profile of his face, the lower part of which has an excellent expression, indicating kindness, coupled with intelligence. The upper part of the profile is concealed by the hair, which is brought down over the forehead according to the fashion, seventy years since. Mr. Walworth could not have been selected to fill so many offices, in the organization of the new government, if he had not been worthy of them. In those days professional office hunters, seldom became the successful candidates. Men were selected because they were qualified, not because they were anxious to obtain places.
A portion of the appointments he was called upon to accept have already been given. He was commissioned by Arthur St. Clair, territorial Governor of Ohio, as Justice of the Peace for Trumbull county, July 4th, 1802; as an Associate Judge by Governor Tiffin, April 14th, 1803; as Postmaster at Painesville, Nov. 14th, 1804; Inspector of the Port of Cuyahoga, by Thomas Jefferson, June 12th, 1805; Collector of the district of Erie, July 17th, 1806; Associate Judge of Geauga county, Jan. 23d, 1806; Postmaster at Cleveland, May-, 1806. When the county of Cuyahoga was organized he became County Clerk and Recorder.
It was no small part of Mr. Walworth’s good fortune, that he had a wife well suited to the circumstances, by which they were surrounded. Miss Julianna Morgan was born at Groton, Connecticut, December 31st, 1769. She was therefore at the mature age of thirty-one years, when they encountered the trials of pioneer life at the extreme west. Their previous residence at Aurora, New York, was not far from the verge of civilization, but this was a movement three hundred miles further into the western wilds.
Mrs. Walworth is remembered as a kind, dignified, judicious woman, spoken of with respect and kindness, by all those who shared her society or her hospitality.
When the stampede occurred at Cleveland, on the occasion of Hull’s surrender, she was one of the three ladies who refused to leave the place. She rode a horse, not merely as a graceful exercise, but took long journeys in company with her husband. In 1810 she crossed the mountains in this manner, by way of Pittsburg and Philadelphia, to the eastern States.
With such training, a vigorous physique, and a cheerful disposition, it is not strange that she survived three generations; long enough to witness the results of her husbands expectations. She died at Cleveland, March 2d, 1853.
There were three sons, John Periander, now living, Horace, who died recently in Louisiana, and Ashbel W., succeeded his father as Collector, dying at Cleveland, Aug. 24th, 1844, at the age of fifty-four years. The daughters were Mrs. Dr. Long and Mrs. Dr. Strickland.
Mr. Walworth did not have to live to realize the brilliant hopes he had formed of this city and county. He died in the dark days of the war, on the 10th of September, 1812. Had he survived another year he would have heard on that day, the boom of Perry’s victorious guns. But the character of such men has an influence beyond the grave. Their characteristics are impressed upon new communities, long after they are personally forgotten.
Job P. Stiles and Tabitha Cumi Stiles, his wife; Edward Paine.
Lorenzo Carter and Rebecca Carter, (ne Aikin;) Alonzo, Henry, Laura, (Mrs. Strong,) Mercy, (Mrs. Abell,) and Betsey, (Mrs. Cathan,) their children; Miss Chloe Inches, (Mrs. Clement;) James Kingsbury and Eunice Kingsbury, (ne Waldo,) with three children, Amos S., Almon, and Abigail, (Mrs. Sherman;) Ezekiel Hawley and Lucy Hawley, (ne Carter,) and one child; Elijah Gun and Anna Gun, and one child; Pierre Meloche; Peleg Washburne, who died the same season.
Nathaniel Doan and Mary Doan, (ne Carey,) Job, and three daughters, afterwards Mrs. R.H. Blin, Mrs. Eddy, and Mrs. Baldwin; Samuel Dodge, Rodolphus Edwards, Nathan Chapman, Stephen Gilbert, Joseph Landon.
Richard H. Blin, William Wheeler Williams, Mr. Gallup, Major Wyatt.
Amos Spafford wife and family, Alexander Campbell, David Clark and wife, Mason, Martin, James, Margaret and Lucy, their children, David Bryant, Gilman Bryant and Samuel Jones.
Samuel Huntington and wife, Miss Margaret Cobb, Julius C. and Colburn, sons of Mrs, Huntington, Timothy Doan and Polly Doan, Timothy, Jr., Seth, John, Deborah, (Mrs. Crocker,) Mrs. Samuel Dodge, and Mrs. Bronson, their children ; Elisha Norton and family.
1796, 4
1797 15
1800 7
1810 57
1820 ABOUT 150
1825 ABOUT 500
1830, U.S. CENSUS 1,075
1832, ABOUT 1,500
1833 ABOUT 1,900
1834, CITY CENSUS 3,323
1835, CITY CENSUS 5,080
1840, U.S. CENSUS 6,071 OHIO CITY 1,577 7,648
1845, CITY CENSUS 9,573 OHIO CITY 2,462 12,035
1846, CITY CENSUS 10,135
1850, U.S. CENSUS 17,034 OHIO CITY AB’T 3,950 20,984
1851, CITY CENSUS 21,140
1852, CITY CENSUS 25,670
1866, CITY CENSUS 67,500
Some useful deductions may be drawn from these figures, in regard to the future population of this city. We have here the number of people on both sides of the river since 1840 with a reasonable approach to accuracy. The rate of increase in five years, from 1840 to 1845, is 58 per cent., from 1845 to 1850 is 74 per cent., 1850 to 1860, ten years, by the government census 109 per cent., and from 1860 to 1866, six years, 76 per cent. Our present numbers, January, 1867, are computed 70,000.
From 1840 to 1850 to increase exceeded 10 per cent. per annum, compounded annually. On the east side, in the two succeeding years it reached 21 and 24 per cent. per annum.
The best ascertained average increase of the five year periods, for the past twenty-five years, is nearly 62 per cent. At this rate the census of 1870 should give about 100,000, of 1875, 162,000, and of 1880, 262,000.
John Walworth January 17th, 1806 died in office, September 10, 1812
Ashbel W. Walworth, 1812 removed 1829
Samuel Starkweather, 1829 resigned 1840
George B. Merwin, 1840
William Milford, 1841
Smith Inglehart 1845
C.L. Russell 1849
Robert Parks 1853 died in office August 30th, 1860
- Brownell 1860
Charles L. Ballard, April 1861
John C. Grannis, April, 1865
1679- Schooner Griffin, (French,) built at Cayuga creek, near Tonawanda
1761-3- The Schooner Gladwyn, – (British,) and a French vessel burnt on the Niagara river.
1785-6- Schooners Beaver and Mackinaw belonging to the North West Fur Company.
A vague tradition of a shipwreck which occurred near the mouth of the Cuyahoga has long been current here.
It was probably one of the above name vessels which was lost. While the Moravians were at Pilgerruh, Captain Thorn, who commanded the schooner, speaks of visiting them and procuring provisions, where he saw for the first time the kittens of a wild cat. There was at the same time a trader at Rocky river. Mr. Carter saw the wreck of the schooner in his boyhood, 1797-8, Captain Gaylord, who came to Cleveland in 1800, knew Capt. Thorn very well, and often had from him the details, of the lonely winter he passed here after the shipwreck. It occurred late in the fall or early in winter, probably in December. The name of the vessel has been lost. According to Capt. Gaylord’s recollection, she was in company with another schooner, both of which were seeking for the mouth of the Cuyahoga, perhaps as a shelter from the coming storm. They were on their way up the lake with supplies for the British garrisons. Capt. Thorn’s vessel had on board some brass pieces for the Fort at Detroit, but the number of the guns is not well known, different accounts varying from one to three.
It was near night when they were enveloped in a storm, and were close in with the land. In the darkness of the night, driven by a furious winter storm, Cpt. Thorn’s vessels soon came ashore, not far from Johnson’s run, which enters the lake near the Marine Hospital. The crew got safely ashore, and concluded to pass the winter on the spot. They built a cabin on the bank, near the corner of Clinton and Wilson streets, the remains of which were there in 1800 and in subsequent years. The guns were taken from the hold, and carried partly up the bank, wrapped in a sail, well greased, securely plugged, and buried beneath a leaning tree on one of the benches, or slips, of the shore.
When the first settlers came here, and even as late as 1830, there were evidence of the clearing which Captain Thorn made around this cabin, in old stumps and in the second growth of timber. Capt. Lorenzo Carter, father of Alonzo, procurred from the wreck, in the year 1807, the irons for the rudder of his new schooner the Zephyr.
Capt. Levi Johnson says he procured spikes and bolts for one of his first vessels from the same place. A piece of iron from Capt. Thorn’s schooner is still to be seen forming the hinges, of Mr. Carter’s gate at his homestead at Newburg.
The guns were frequently sought after by the early settlers, but no trace of them has yet been found. No doubt the encroachment of the lake has left them long since beneath its waters, deep sunk in the quicksands of this shore.
Captain Thorn was a Canadian, who in the war of 1812, took part with us, and afterwards lived to be a very old man at Point au Chene, on the St. Clair River, not far above lake St. Clair.
1796-Two British armed vessels.
1797-Schooner of sixty tons, Erie Pa., called the Washington. Cleared from Cuyahoga in the spring of 1806 and was never heard of afterwards.
1800-Schooner Halequin, of Erie, lost in October of the same year, and twenty persons, being all who were on board of her. Also the schooner Good Intent, 50 tons, which was lost off Point Abino in 1806.
1801-Schooner Adams, 150 tons, United States vessel built at River Rouge, near Detroit. Also the Tracy, of 70 tons, U.S. transport, wrecked on Bird Island reef, 1808.
Schooner Wilkinson, 80 tons, Detroit.
1804-Contractor, sloop, 50 tons, Black Rock, purchased by the United States in 1812; took part in the battle of Lake Erie under the name of the Trip. Cuyahoga Packet, sloop, 20 tons, Chagrin river. Schooner Lark, 20 tons, Grand river, Canada.
1805- A government sloop of 60 tons, Cayuga creek, where the Griffin was built in 1679. Ranger, of 50 tons, St. Clair river.
1807-Schooner Mary, 120 tons, burnt by General Proctor in the Thames, 1813.
1808-Zephyr, Cleveland, burnt at Conjocketa creek, near Black Rock.
1809-Schooner Catharine, 80 tons, Black Rock.
In Perry’s battle, 1813, as the Somers. Charlotte, schooner, 90 tons built some years previous; captured at Mackinaw, 1812, as the Salina. Became ice locked among the islands in the winter of 1812-13, and floating down opposite Erie, was stripped and burned.
1810-Schooner Ohio, 60 tons, Cleveland; became a part of Perry’s fleet.