Concentrates of Place-2022
My Backyard- Sean D. Brown
Relative Location
I love and enjoy the serenity that I have created in my backyard. I enjoy the calmness that comes over me when I sit in my yard because of all the beautiful plants and greenery that exists there. My backyard has become a family gathering place where we have enjoyed many occasions. My backyard serenity space is nestled in with many other beautiful nature filled homes and scenes in our community of Shaker Heights, Ohio along the Northeastern part of the city.

Absolute Location
1,050 feet
Concentration of Space
My Sense of Place about My Backyard:
I have planters in my serenity space that I fill with geraniums. I included in the Concentration of Space picture a yellow and pink geranium along with a piece of evergreen from an evergreen bush in my backyard. I additionally included a flower from my Wife’s garden and pieces of mulch that occupy the beds in and around the backyard. As a final item I placed a leaf from the burning bush in my backyard that gives us a sense of privacy and helps to secure our small retreat from the world into the other items that are in my tin can. My serenity space helped us get through the pandemic as a place of peace and beauty that became a favorite family gathering spot and the scene of many family events.