Chapter 4. Project Planning and the Project Scope

4.7 Exercises

Added in August 2023.

Exercise 1:

Case Study: “MetroLink City Transit System Development”

Background: MetroLink, a fictitious city’s transit authority, is in the planning stages of developing a new transit system to connect the city’s suburbs to the downtown area. They’ve identified the need for both a new metro rail line and an improved bus transit system. The project is expected to span 5 years.

Project Planning and Requirements:

  • Conduct surveys in suburbs to understand the transit needs of residents.
  • Engage with environmental agencies to identify potential challenges.
  • Hold public forums to collect feedback and suggestions.

Requirements Traceability Matrix:

  • Link the requirements from the surveys to specific features of the metro rail line and bus system.
  • Map feedback from the public forums to design elements of the stations and bus terminals.
  • Ensure all requirements are mapped to specific deliverables in the project.

Project Scope Management:

  • Define clear boundaries for the project: Which suburbs will be connected, the number of stations, the features in each station, etc.
  • Ensure all stakeholders understand and agree on the project’s boundaries and deliverables.


  1. Describe the importance of eliciting requirements in the early stages of the MetroLink project and the methods that can be used.
  2. How would a Requirements Traceability Matrix benefit the MetroLink project?
  3. Discuss potential challenges in defining the scope of the MetroLink project and how they can be managed.
  4. Given the feedback from public forums, how can MetroLink ensure these requirements are incorporated into the project’s deliverables?
  5. Considering the broad range of stakeholders (residents, environmental agencies, businesses), how should MetroLink prioritize requirements?


Exercise 2:

Case Study: “GreenLeaf Park Revitalization”

Background: GreenLeaf Park, a once-popular spot in a fictitious city, is being revitalized. The city council has a vision of making it a sustainable, eco-friendly park and needs to plan meticulously.

Business Requirements: These are high-level needs that the organization aims to meet by undertaking the project. For the GreenLeaf Park:

  • Enhance the city’s green spaces and promote sustainability.
  • Increase tourism and local visits, boosting local economy.
  • Position the city as an environmental leader in the region.

Stakeholder Requirements: These are the needs and conditions expressed by stakeholders. For this project, they might include:

  • Local communities wanting safe playgrounds for children.
  • Environmentalists pushing for water conservation features and native plant gardens.
  • Local businesses hoping for spots within the park to set up kiosks or stalls.

Solution Requirements: Details of features and functionalities the project will deliver, both functional (what the solution will do) and non-functional (how the solution will perform). For GreenLeaf Park:

  • Functional: Installation of solar-powered lights, creation of botanical gardens, setting up of eco-friendly water fountains.
  • Non-functional: Ensuring the park’s digital app is user-friendly, guaranteeing park maintenance is sustainable and eco-friendly.

Transition Requirements: Details describing capabilities needed to transition from the current state to the desired future state. For the park’s project:

  • Training for park staff on new digital tools and sustainability practices.
  • Public awareness campaigns about new park features and rules.
  • Temporary relocation plans for flora and fauna during construction.

Project Planning and Requirements:

  • Engage with local communities to understand their needs and desires for the park.
  • Collaborate with environmentalists to get insights into sustainable park designs and features.
  • Document all requirements meticulously, ensuring clarity and specificity.

Requirements Traceability Matrix:

  • Link community requirements to specific park amenities and features.
  • Ensure that every environmental guideline is mapped to a specific aspect of park construction and maintenance.
  • Regularly update the matrix as requirements evolve or change.

Project Scope Management:

  • Clearly define what the revitalization will and won’t include.
  • Establish a process for handling change requests to the project scope.
  • Engage with stakeholders regularly to ensure alignment on the project’s scope and boundaries.


  1. Based on the business requirements, how can the GreenLeaf Park revitalization benefit the larger community and the city’s reputation?
  2. Identify and discuss potential stakeholder requirements from local communities, environmentalists, and businesses.
  3. How do solution requirements ensure the park’s revitalization aligns with its sustainable, eco-friendly vision?
  4. Describe the importance of transition requirements in the GreenLeaf Park project and provide examples.
  5. Differentiate between business, stakeholder, solution, and transition requirements using examples from the GreenLeaf Park revitalization project.


Exercise 3:

Case Study: “Digital Transformation of BookBarn University Library”

Background: BookBarn University, a renowned educational institution in a fictitious city, is undertaking a digital transformation of its main library. With the rise of digital resources and the need for remote access, the university aims to make a significant portion of its books, journals, and research papers available online. They also plan to integrate state-of-the-art digital tools to enhance the learning experience.

Scope Creep: Scope creep refers to uncontrolled changes or continuous growth in a project’s scope after the project has started, often leading to cost overruns and project delays. In the context of BookBarn’s digital transformation, scope creep might manifest as unplanned additions to the number of books to be digitized, integrating unexpected software tools, or expanding the training beyond the initial plan.

Project Planning:

  • Identify key sections of the library to be digitized first, such as rare books, popular journals, or frequently referred research papers.
  • Collaborate with IT experts to understand the infrastructure needs for hosting a large digital library.
  • Plan training sessions for library staff and students to ensure a smooth transition and utilization of the new digital tools.

Scope Management:

  • Clearly define the boundaries of the digital transformation: Which sections will be digitized in the first phase, which tools will be integrated, and the extent of training required.
  • Establish checkpoints to review and potentially expand the scope based on the project’s progress and feedback.
  • Regularly communicate with stakeholders, including professors, students, and researchers, to ensure alignment on the project’s scope and objectives.


  • Ensuring the digital platform is user-friendly and accessible to all students and staff.
  • Addressing copyright issues related to digitizing certain books and journals.
  • Handling the vast amount of data and ensuring its security.
  • Managing and preventing scope creep throughout the project.


  1. Discuss the potential challenges BookBarn University might face during the digital transformation of its library and how they can be mitigated.
  2. How can BookBarn University prioritize which sections of the library to digitize first?
  3. Elaborate on the importance of training sessions in ensuring the success of the digital transformation project.
  4. How can BookBarn University effectively manage and prevent scope creep during the digital transformation, ensuring timely completion and staying within budget?
  5. Given the vast scope of the library and the risks of scope creep, what strategies should the university employ to ensure that stakeholders’ expectations are managed?


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Project Management by Abdullah Oguz is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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