I would like to extend my gratitude to the reviewers who provided their invaluable insights. These reviewers, who come from Democratic, Independent, Republican, and nonpartisan backgrounds, have enriched this textbook with their diverse perspectives and expertise. Their thoughtful suggestions and constructive feedback have significantly enhanced the quality and depth of the content.
Armond Budish
Caryn Candisky
Dave Greenspan
William Gruber
Earl Leiken
Robert Jaquay
Katura Pleasant was instrumental in this project, providing critiques, suggesting approaches, and finding video content to exemplify key concepts.
CSU faculty such as Leah Hudnall, Meghan Rubado, Stephanie Ryberg-Webster, and Roland Anglin provided valuable suggestions.
Special thanks go to Mandi Goodsett, Heather Caprette, and Diane Kolosionek for their dedication and hard work implementing CSU’s Affordable Learning initiative. Their commitment to tailoring textbooks to the specific needs of our students and reducing the costs of higher education is commendable. More people need to follow their example to make education more accessible and affordable for the people of Ohio.