Chapter 13 – State Elections & Campaigning
13.2 Primary & General Elections
There are two types of elections for these positions:
Primary elections in Ohio determine the candidates who will represent each political party in the general election. Ohio uses a semi-open primary system where voters must declare their party affiliation at the polling place to receive the corresponding party’s ballot. This system allows for some flexibility while still maintaining party control over the nomination process. Primary elections are crucial for setting the stage for the general election as they often determine the candidates’ appeal to the broader electorate.
General elections in Ohio are held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November of even-numbered years. These elections determine who will hold public office at the federal, state, and local levels. Voter turnout in general elections is typically high during presidential election years.
Ohio has a well-established system for conducting elections, including in-person voting, absentee voting, and early voting.
Sracic, Paul A., and William C. Binning. 2015. Chapter 9 – Direct Democracy in Ohio in Ohio Government and Politics. Washington DC: CQ Press.