Chapter 7 – Lawmaking Process
7.13 The Decline of Newspapers & Quality Journalism
The decline of newspapers in both small towns and larger cities has significant implications for the lawmaking process. With fewer reporters monitoring legislators, there is reduced accountability, leading to less scrutiny of their actions. This lack of oversight can result in increased opportunities for corruption and inefficiency, as legislators may feel less pressure to act transparently and responsibly.
Additionally, the decline in newspapers means the public is less informed about their representatives’ activities and decisions. Newspapers play a critical role in keeping communities updated on legislative actions that directly impact their lives. Without this information, public engagement and participation in the democratic process diminish, leading to decreased public pressure on legislators to address specific issues or respond to constituents’ needs. This shift can result in a legislative agenda more influenced by special interest groups or partisan considerations.
Moreover, the reduction in local newspapers affects the coverage of local issues that larger media outlets might overlook. This can lead to policies that do not adequately address the unique needs of smaller communities. The decline also weakens investigative journalism, which relies on dedicated reporters and resources typically found in local newspapers. Fewer in-depth investigations into legislative actions and potential misconduct reduce the overall quality of journalism and public knowledge, eroding civic engagement and weakening democratic institutions.
An illustrative example of this trend is the closure of the Youngstown Vindicator in 2019, which left the city without a major daily newspaper. The loss of the Vindicator had several potential implications:
Information Void – The absence of the Vindicator created an information void in Youngstown, reducing the availability of local news and investigative reporting. Residents lost a crucial source of information about local government, politics, and community issues.
Reduced Accountability for Local Officials – With the closure of the Vindicator, local officials in Youngstown faced less scrutiny from the press, potentially leading to less transparency and accountability in government operations.
Impact on Civic Engagement – The Vindicator’s closure likely contributed to a decline in civic engagement, as residents had fewer resources to stay informed about local issues and participate in the democratic process.
Overall, the decline in newspapers, including those in larger cities like Youngstown, can undermine the lawmaking process by diminishing accountability, reducing public awareness and engagement, and weakening the representation of local issues and diverse perspectives. This can lead to less effective and less democratic governance.