Chapter 7 – Lawmaking Process
7.8 The Impact of Partisanship and Polarization on the Lawmaking Process
In recent years, lawmaking in Ohio, like in many other states, has been heavily influenced by partisanship and polarization. Understanding these terms can help us grasp why it can sometimes be difficult for lawmakers to pass new laws and policies.
Partisanship refers to strong loyalty to a political party, often leading members of that party to strongly support their party’s policies and candidates while opposing those of the other party. In Ohio, as well as across the United States, partisanship has become more intense, meaning that Democrats and Republicans are more likely to disagree with each other on a wide range of issues. Moreover, with super majorities in the House and Senate and a Republican governor, Republicans do not need Democrat support to pass favored legislation.
Polarization is the growing gap between the political views of Republicans and Democrats. This means that the two parties are moving further apart in their beliefs and policy preferences. For example, Democrats might strongly support environmental regulations and social justice initiatives, while Republicans might emphasize free-market principles and traditional values. As polarization increases, it becomes harder for the two parties to find common ground.
The opposite of polarization is bipartisanship. Bipartisanship is when members of both parties work together to pass laws. This cooperation is essential for effective governance, especially in a divided government where one party controls the legislature, and the other holds the executive office. Bipartisanship requires compromise and a willingness to find solutions that satisfy both parties to some extent.
However, rising partisanship and polarization have made bipartisanship more challenging. This partisanship is partly explained by gerrymandering. When legislative districts are strongly skewed toward either Republicans or Democrats, incumbents are assured of winning the general election. The only real threat to their seat comes from challengers within their own party during the primary. Therefore, they lack a political incentive to work across the aisle in a bipartisan manner. Their incentive is to stay in the good graces of their partisan primary voters.
When lawmakers are unable to agree on policies, it leads to gridlock. Gridlock occurs when there is so much disagreement between the parties that little to no legislation can be passed. This often results in important issues being left unresolved because lawmakers cannot reach a consensus.