Chapter 14 – Counties, Cities, Villages & Townships

14.15 Regionalism & Collaboration as an Alternative to Fragmentation

Regionalism offers a promising alternative to the fragmentation seen in local government structures by consolidating several smaller local governments into one larger entity. Researchers like Anthony Downs and others argue that larger, more consolidated local governments could address the inefficiencies and inequalities caused by having many small, separate local governments.

This approach suggests that we would be better off with fewer, larger local governments instead of numerous smaller ones.

The idea of regionalism aims to tackle the problems of redundancy and inefficiency inherent in the current system. For example, rather than having 50 separate HR departments or public works departments in a single county, it would be more efficient to have just three or four. Consolidating these services could lead to better resource management and cost savings.

Regionalism also addresses the inequalities between affluent and poorer areas. Currently, wealthier communities have more resources, while poorer areas struggle to provide basic services. By consolidating local governments, resources can be more evenly distributed, helping to reduce disparities between different regions.

There have been successful efforts in cities like Nashville and Louisville, where local governments have been consolidated to form larger, more efficient entities. These examples show how regionalism can lead to improved service delivery and resource management. However, there have also been unsuccessful efforts, such as in St. Louis, where attempts to merge local governments have faced significant resistance. Implementing regionalism is politically challenging, as convincing wealthier communities to merge with less prosperous ones is difficult due to fears of losing local control and the perceived benefits of living in affluent areas.


Downs, Anthony. 1994. New Visions for Metropolitan America. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution.


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An Ohioan’s Guide to State & Local Government by R. Clayton Wukich is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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