Chapter 18 – Intergovernmental Relationships
18.6 A Regional Organization That Facilitates Cooperation in Northeast Ohio
The Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency (NOACA) is a key transportation and environmental planning agency that serves Greater Cleveland. NOACA is a federally designated Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) responsible for coordinating transportation planning in collaboration with state and public transit operations. It is tasked with deciding which proposed highway, bikeway, and transit projects will receive federal funding, as required by federal regulations.
It represents officials from state, county, city, village, and township levels across Cuyahoga, Geauga, Lake, Lorain, and Medina counties. NOACA (pronounced no-ack-aa) addresses regional transportation, economic development, air quality, and water quality needs. By working with various partners, the agency develops and implements plans to ensure travel throughout the region is safe, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly.
NOACA plays an important role in regional decision-making, particularly in setting priorities and allocating federal transportation funds. It brings together local governments to plan and fund transportation projects that have regional significance. This collaboration helps ensure that local voices are heard in the decision-making process, leading to well-rounded and effective regional policies.
The agency’s vision is to strengthen regional cohesion, preserve existing infrastructure, and build a sustainable multimodal transportation system that supports economic development and enhances the quality of life in Northeast Ohio. This vision, formally adopted by the Board of Directors in 2014, guides NOACA’s strategic planning and daily operations.
NOACA represents a vast and diverse region: five counties, 61 cities, 45 villages, and 58 townships spanning 2,000 square miles and home to 2.1 million people. Its 48-member Board of Directors, composed of elected and appointed officials from these areas, is responsible for determining how federal transportation dollars are spent in Northeast Ohio.
In recent years, NOACA has worked on major projects to improve infrastructure and promote sustainability in Northeast Ohio. It is installing electric vehicle charging stations across the region, with plans to expand access to more communities and support equity. NOACA has also invested in the Irishtown Bend Stabilization Project along the Cuyahoga River, helping secure the hillside and create a 23-acre park. Through its Transportation Improvement Program, NOACA funds projects to upgrade highways, bridges, bikeways, pedestrian pathways, and public transit, ensuring better connectivity and mobility for the region. NOACA also helped develop VibrantNEO 2040, a federally funded long-term planning framework for the region. Also, joint districts can be formed to provide services to more than one community such as a joint fire district.
NOACA’s mission aligns with the broader concept of Regional Intergovernmental Organizations (RIGOs) as discussed by Dr. David Miller and Dr. Jen Nelles in their book “Discovering American Regionalism: An Introduction to Regional Intergovernmental Organizations.” Miller and Nelles highlight the challenges of governing regions without formal regional governments and emphasize the essential role of coordination across local jurisdictions.
RIGOs such as NOACA facilitate this coordination by bringing together local governments to address cross-boundary issues, promote regional interests, and enhance collaborative governance. While not possessing governmental authority themselves, RIGOs wield significant political influence, enabling them to quietly and effectively contribute to regional policy-making and problem-solving. NOACA exemplifies this approach, working to improve regional governance through education, communication, and cooperation among its diverse membership.
Miller, David Young, and Jen Nelles. 2018. Discovering American Regionalism: An Introduction to Regional Intergovernmental Organizations. Routledge.