Chapter 6 – The Legislative Branch

6.18 Oversight as a Check and Balance

Legislative oversight is a critical check and balance against the executive and judicial branches. By monitoring and reviewing the actions of executive agencies, the legislature ensures that these agencies operate within the law and adhere to legislative intent. This oversight prevents the executive branch from overstepping its authority and ensures that public funds are used appropriately.

Additionally, by having the power to review and recommend changes to administrative rules, the legislature can ensure that the judicial branch does not interpret laws in ways that stray from legislative intent. This system of checks and balances helps maintain the separation of powers and ensures that no single branch of government becomes too powerful.

However, oversight generally diminishes when the same party controls each branch. When the legislative, executive, and judicial branches are controlled by the same party, there may be a tendency for legislators to align with their party’s agenda and priorities, leading to less rigorous scrutiny. This can result from a desire to maintain party unity, avoid intra-party conflict, and support the party’s overall goals. Consequently, the legislative branch may be less inclined to critically evaluate and challenge the actions of the other branches, potentially leading to an imbalance of power and reduced accountability.


Ohio Legislative Service Commission. 2023. in A Guidebook for Ohio Legislators. Columbus, OH.

Sracic, Paul A., and William C. Binning. 2015. Chapter 3 – the Ohio Legislature in Ohio Government and Politics. Washington DC: CQ Press, p. 32-34.


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An Ohioan’s Guide to State & Local Government by R. Clayton Wukich is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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